Sunday, June 22, 2008

Yet another "PC" apology from Obama.

This "politically correct" world in which we live in has gotten just about out of hand. Every minute statement or remark is checked over, scanned three or four times and beat to death by the PC police. Obama and his staffers issued another apology over the weekend, this time regarding to Muslim women who were barred from sitting behind him during a speech. Some volunteers for the Obama campaign moved the women after realizing that they were wearing headscarves and might be seen on camera. And they say the Democrats are tolerant. Um, by the actions of his campaign staffers, I would say not. If this happened to Sen. John McCain, the Democrats,, CAIR and many other groups would be calling for the firing of those staffers. Not in Obama's campaign.

So, let's look at this in another context. Do we really feel that Obama does want those women behind him at the next rally? Or do we think now that Obama might realize that if he portrays people from religious backgrounds, especially ones associated with terrorism, that the American people might not vote for him? That is my thought. I think he knows that the viewing some of his supporters might hurt his chances of becoming president. Am I wrong? I doubt it.

I know, many may believe that my comments are not "PC" enough or even racist in context. However, that is not the case here. Everyone seems to be apologizing these days for some sort of ethnic reference or religious comment. Does a comment automatically mean that people are racist or "intolerant?" No it does not. It means that they think a different way than others think. The intolerant part is that Obama's staffers moved two "ethnic" looking individuals so they would not be seen on camera. That is racist...period. My comments referring to Obama and his realization that certain people can hurt his campaign is not racial nor is it intolerant but more or less realistic. Remember something here, we are still at war with Muslim extremists and many in American understand this. Obama understands this as well. Any association with known terrorists or organizations does pit masses against you. Remember back when Obama entered the presidential race, he made comments regarding our military men and women who lost their lives and referred to that as "wasted". (Yes, another PC apology) That my Fellow Americans is a presidential candidate referring to the military personnel who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom from terrorism and referred to their lives as wasted for doing so. I guess Obama doesn't cherish Freedom and respect the ones that have fallen in the name of this country.

God Bless America and our Military.

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