Friday, March 21, 2008

Maine's 1st day of Fishing Season is coming: Take a Child Fishing!

In just over a week, Maine's Open Water Fishing Season for 2008 will begin. If you are an avid fisherman like myself, you understand what the fresh air and cool water can bring to a person that has been cooped inside all winter, than you are ready to tackle the elements and head fishing. What also is important to many anglers is to try and share those outdoor moments with someone by bringing with a child along. It is one way we can pass on the heritage of the great outdoors to future generations of outdoor conservationists.

I have taken my daughter Vanessa fishing on or near the Opening Day for the last few years. It is something that I truly enjoy, maybe not so much the fishing part but the spending time with her showing her the Great Outdoors of Maine and buying hot dogs, candy bars and soda at the local stores that rely so much on the sportsmen in the area. I like to go to the small family run stores that have a sign out front that says "Welcome Fisherman". This to me, means that they understand the importance that we sportsmen have on our local economy.

Going back to why it is good to take kids fishing, or hunting for that matter. The outdoor lessons taught by adults, whether a parent, uncle, aunt or family friend to our children is the last link of pure heritage and tradition with the outdoors. In today's world, the educational elites and union mentality believe that they are the best source for educating our children on the environmental impacts that man has had on the earth. Additionally, they find it suits their interests best by indicating that the natural taking of wild game and fish is morally wrong and unjustified. However, those individuals that push those environmental viewpoints seem to forget our wonderful history in the United States. I'm talking about how early Americans had to survive by killing their own food, growing their own vegetables and doing whatever it took to survive. They practiced sustainable farming and only took what wild game they needed to survive. They knew that hunting provided the necessary tools that was needed in order to make it through another harsh winter. Fishing at the same point provided some of the same type of satisfaction knowing that an abundance of healthy fish was within their reaches.

Just remember, if you are going to go fishing in Maine and other states, know your fishing laws. There are some new changes to Maine's Open Water Fishing Laws. Also, know where you are going and be sure to tell someone where you are going. Additionally, if you want more information on taking kids fishing and being involved, visit the Hooked on Fishing - Not Drugs website through the State of Maine. It doesn't take much to bring a child to the outdoors, just a desire to pass on tradition and be involved.

God Bless America!

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Norridgewock, Maine, United States