Sunday, December 28, 2008

Some time away for reflection!

Well it's been a few weeks since I last wrote. I have no excuse for my absence except that I have a real life to live and be a part of. In that life though of recent note, I have learned a great deal about myself as well as about the ones I love and care for. I know what you are thinking, "Matt, what about the political stuff and the post-election analysis?" Fine, I'll address that too, but my real life outside of politics comes first in this writing. I hope you enjoy and learn from my lessons as well.

OK, since the election I have had a great deal of conversations with my friends and family on numerous topics. Not the least of which was greed and selfishness that exists in us all. Yes, I'm guilty of it as well. Additionally, taking advantage of a persons great heart is something that many of us do without regard for the person involved or even understanding why we are doing it. For example, when a person holds the door for you in a given building, do we return the favor to that person or another individual? Do we give someone a smile back after they say "Hello" to us on the street or in the hallway at work? Remember, they are going out of their way to try and be polite to you as well as maybe trying to put you in a better mood. You might wonder what this has to do with selfishness or greed or other things. The point is, we have so many interactions throughout our daily lives that we tend to forget the little things that make us or others great people. Being polite and acknowledging others is part of that process.

Do you ever wonder why we talk to certain individuals or become part of their circle of friends? Is it a personal or emotional need or is it a want? We as hard working Americans tend to bypass ones who play no real effect in our lives. Why? We also tend to put down others who differ from us or are lesser in their careers. Is this not true? Of course it is. Someone recently told me regarding an old classmate of ours, "I have no use for that person in my life so I could care less if I see them again". I thought for a moment, that if that were true of everyone, we would truly have no friends or at least very few of them. I'm here to remind you that people change throughout their lives and I'm talking about their hearts as well as their maturity. We also add a few pounds and lines to the face and lose a few hairs on the head too.

Another question, why do we hold grudges towards our family members or friends when they cannot be a part of an outing we are hosting? Is it again, another way of showing our "status" or is it a silent selfishness? We don't always know why people do things or not do things with our families and friends. Perhaps it is just as simple as it sounds, meaning life happens and we just can't do everything that comes up. Even after we make the plans to make the outing, things or plans can change in our lives. Don't be selfish and take offense to others decisions. We again, are not aware of their lives. Anyway, enough of the emotional stuff and other gratifying purposes in our personal lives. Lets talk a little politics. we (Conservative Republicans that is) lost! Pure and simple, "...we just didn't get the job done", to paraphrase former Patriots coach, Pete Carrol. The more and more I think about it, we had the wrong candidate at the wrong time. After witnessing Gov. Mitt Romney at the Maine Republican State Convention in May of 2008, I knew we clearly made the wrong choice as the parties nominee. Gov. Sarah Palin was by far the main reason we brought some of the conservative voters to actually vote for Sen. John McCain. Sen. McCain made mistake after mistake on the campaign trail. One key mistake was simply voting for the bailout of the financial institutions. By putting a government "solution" to a market crisis simply punished the taxpayers for others failures. Another mistake was not hitting Barack Obama harder on his relations with William Ayers, Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan. Those were just a few of the mistakes that our candidate for the 2008 Presidential election made.

Now for what the Republican Party did that helped secure the Democratic Party nominee in the White House. First and foremost...I'll say it again, we nominated the wrong person. We needed someone who could hit Obama hard with more facts on foreign relations as well as provide more conservative principals to our economic woes. Second, we did not produce at the registration level. We lagged behind the Democrats in the total amount of new registrations as well as gaining the much needed Unenrolled voters. Third, we did not define the differences with the parties in our ads and literature. And Lastly, it was a Democratic Year. With the War in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the poor economic situation that the country was going through, as well as having a minority on the Democratic ticket, it was inevitable that we would lose the election. It reminded me of the 1976 Presidential Election when the country was going through a scandal at the White House as well as the ongoing Vietnam War. The Republicans at the time nominated President Gerald Ford and all the Democrats had to do was nominate peanut (excuse the pun). Simply put, there was no way the Republicans were going to win that election either. Now, those are my takes on this election, so don't hold it against me. Remember, we are entitled to our opinions right? Which is why we have the 1st Amendment.

That is all for now my friends but as "D-Day" approached for us Republicans on January 20Th, we must hold everyone accountable to all their duties. That includes the "Anointed One" by the Democrats. I certainly will not shy away from constructive criticism from our newly elected President because I never did before with our current president. Let us wish our outgoing and incoming presidents the best of luck with their next journey. They will definitely need it.

As always...and more than ever, God Bless America!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

On November 4th, remember those that came before!

With only a few days before the General Election, one might ask themselves, "Do I feel comfortable with my choice?" Another might say, "Oh what's the point, That One is going to win." Regardless of what you may be thinking on how the election may turn out, remember one thing, the Founding Fathers made it possible for us to have a voice. Yes, I know that sometimes that voice isn't heard enough or even out of the right side of the mouth, nonetheless, we have that right to be heard to give our choice of how we want to be governed.

Remember my friends, the 1st Amendment is attached to the description of this blog. I put it there for a reason. That reason is for you, me, my neighbors, my liberal in-laws, for my fellow Veterans and for every red blooded American that breathes the fresh air in our country everyday. It is there to remind everyone that we must exercise our right to vote and fight for what we believe in. From the Founding Fathers, to the Patriots in the fields of Lexington and Concord, to our hero's at Normandy and all the hero's in Iraq and Afghanistan, all those brave men and women who have served this nation did so to protect our rights. We owe them our gratitude by exercising our rights. In my eyes elections are not won or lost by mere votes but they are WON by people voting. That sounds strange I know but if no one votes, who actually wins? No one. We as a community or a country as a whole only win when we exercise those rights given to us through our Constitution and protected by the ones who fought for it. By not voting we are losing our right to be heard.

The picture above says it all for me. My daughter and I are standing on North Bridge in Concord Mass on Patriots Day 2008. If anyone who understands the history of the United States knows that this is a pivotal piece of history. The Patriots pushed back the British soldiers on this bridge to make their voices heard and to eventually become a country. Remember that little bridge when you close that curtain on November 4th. Remember the men and women who have sacrificed their lives throughout the years for your voice to be heard. Remember the ones still fighting overseas to erode away Terrorism in this world. Ask yourself, if this election gets in the wrong hands, because you didn't vote, than what next? Will you be satisfied?

God Bless America and all those who fight to protect our rights, especially our right to have a voice.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain tried some jabs...but the rounds are ticking away!

This presidential campaign seems more like a long drawn out battle of heavy weights. Except this time, it is between a seasoned veteran in McCain who is well past his prime fighting shape and a young energetic rookie in Obama. Consider it the sports fan in me that threw that analogy in this election. Regardless, the rounds are ticking away for McCain. He got a few jabs in the last round of debates, but was it really enough to sway the judges towards his corner? I don't think so.

Yes my friends, I'll admit it, McCain is fighting a losing battle at this point in the game. In a recent poll by Zogby, Reuters and CNN, Obama has a 5 point lead. That's pretty large considering we are less than three weeks away. Regardless of what pools say now, it only matters what "THE" poll says at the end of the night of November 4Th. I hope I'm wrong as well as what all the experts think. We cannot live under an Obama administration and absolutely feel safe.

That last sentence there means that if he is elected, the chances of us being attacked again on our own soil would most likely go up. That is my belief anyway. Do I have to back that up? NO I don't, but I will just say that the "change" that Obama is pushing is characterized as what? I'll tell you....Communism. Yeah, I brought it up again. Why you might ask? Because it is important to understand the ties that are associated with Obama and it is important to know what groups support him. Recently as this summer, the United States Communist Party endorsed Obama. Is this the change Obama talks about? Turning the United States of America into the United Communist States of North America? God I hope not. I'm sure I'll irk a few people here with these comments, but, like the 1st Amendment States..."Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech.."

We know about William Ayers and his connections with Obama. Obama's old mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a communist as well. The point is, Obama and his questionable ties are finally getting exposed, but is it too late? We won't know until next month. All I ask is, do a Google search for United States Communist support Obama. You'll see the same articles I do regarding his affiliations. Regardless, I'll write more tomorrow on this issue.

Anyway my friends, may God Bless you and all of our fellow Americans this upcoming election. We're going to need some prayers.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm pumping money into the economy in Norridgewock! God Bless Me!

The headline says it all. I'm pumping money into our economy in Norridgewock. How you may ask? Well, I just got my driveway paved and my wallet is a lot lighter, that's for sure. The paving company was a local company from Norridgewock named Western Maine Paving. All in all, they did a fine job with the leveling and laying out of the pavement. Now we can play some basketball and street hockey in the driveway. More importantly, I can now snow blow my driveway without all the damn rocks landing on our lawn or hitting our vehicles. I do not want to hit my nice big Ford F150 XLT Supercrew, I might cry. Oh yeah, one more thing, I don't have to wack the weeds in the driveway anymore either...yeah!

So the point of the matter is here, we were able to spend some money in a way that will make our lives easier as well as increase the value of our property. Money is the root of all that is good and all that is bad in the country. Look at the financial mess on Wall Street, well last week anyway. Today was nice to see. Regardless, money issues causes people to worry about life or it makes them do things for the better of themselves and if more fortunate, to the better of others. My wife and I give to charity's when we can but we also like to spend money on our daughter or at least provide her with some great opportunities to enjoy and experience different facets of life. We still like our toys. I like my hunting and fishing toys and she likes her cooking stuff and ....well, just spending it I guess.

One thing to remember here is, the market will definitely come around. It always has. I've said it before, when the markets are down such as the DOW and NASDAQ were last week, that means that stocks are on sale. I invest regularly in many of the Blue Chip stocks, mainly because those are the companies that pay the dividends and have the best track record for succeeding. They know what they are doing, well, except maybe AIG and some of those other banking ones. If you have children and are looking at some great college investment plans, buy some shares of Microsoft, Pfizer, Coca Cola, or Proctor & Gamble. Those companies can't really steer you wrong. They all pay a dividend and are all well respected and well run companies.

One last thing, don't wait for the government to bail you out like they did with Wall Street. They save the ones that pay the most...not you. You look out for yourself and do what you think is best with your money and your future. Sometimes you may have to take life in your own hands, like my wife and I have with our investments and our property. We sure have lost some money in the markets lately but we do realize that we will make it up as the markets get better. Life throws us challenges all the time. This current economic challenge that we are experiencing is just one more test of how our country will prosper giving a challenge such as this. I have faith in the American people to do what is right with the economy. I do not have faith in the government to make things right. I lost much of that faith throughout the years but a lot last week when the "buyout" took place. I'm not happy that both presidential candidates wanting to "fix" some companies troubles with our money. Simple the wrong idea. It's wrong to burden us with this debt.

Anyway my friends, those are my thoughts for the night. I do want to thank all those who do read what I write and I encourage you all to read some of my friends blogs listed on the left hand side of the web page.

God Bless America!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Did I go too far with my Communism Comment?

Sometimes we speak with great command, compassion and thoughtfulness. Other times we may say something out of emotion or without regard to a particular persons point of view. And in some instances, we may say something that may be exactly what you hold inside but it just comes out wrong. Such is the case with my recent remarks regarding Barack Obama and Communism.

When I publish my thoughts on my blog, you may wonder if I normally care who reads it? NO. I also usually will post any comment by readers on my blog unless it is completely ignorant and has terrible language or calls for the head of some political leader. I don't really remember how many "F@^ Bush", or "Bush lied and should die" comments I have had to delete in the past 12 months. Too many to be exact. There comes a time though when I do receive a comment or an email that just puts me back for a moment makes me think, "Was I over the top there? Did I go too far or did I let emotions get in my way?" I say this because I recently got an email from a dear friend of mine whom I've known for over 24 years and share a strong commitment to pushing great music to the masses. He and I have never, at least to my knowledge, talked politics nor have I ever known him to lean one way or the other. Some people you just have too much respect for to discuss such topics. Heck, I wasn't even aware that he would be interested in reading my politically oriented blog, let alone have an opinion on my political rants. But this one hit home.

Mind you, my friend was leaning toward McCain until he picked Palin to be his running mate. I can't fault him for that as I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Hence, my reasoning for stating the 1st Amendment of our American Constitution in the description of my blog. Here were his comments on my last post. I will not mention him by name because that is not fair to him, however, I do greatly respect him and have for a very long time.

I'm disappointed to see you SUGGEST that "Communism is just around the
corner with Obama." The dirty politics, from both sides, is exhausting. This type of propaganda appeals to the ill-informed and ignorant, and belittles American politics. It's also very disappointing to see from a (person) that I have such respect for.

Now, that may not sound like much of a comment to anyone around the world who reads this, but, coming from a person I greatly admire, it bothers me. It bothers me that someone I respect as a dear friend may consider my beliefs of Obama as dirty and disrespectful. I do wonder though, if maybe I have taken my political opinions too far. Regardless, when is enough considered enough regarding your beliefs on another politicians policies or viewpoints on governing? Who knows for sure. I will say that I will not risk a longtime friendship or another's respect of me to rant my political viewpoints without reasoning.

Many who know me realize how much I love this country and the historical aspect of our political process, the very process that transcends our borders. You may ask "What? Transcends our borders?" Yes, our political process does very much transcend our borders. Look at hatred in the World when Bush's name is brought up by Chavez. Look at the people flocking to see Obama in speeches giving in Europe, especially Germany. Regardless of who runs for president of our country, some countries seem to have their opinion on our process and the media does very much like to show it. They think it is fitting to show what other "World leaders" think of our current administration and their viewpoints of our country. But ask yourself, does it really matter what Germany or Iran or anyone else thinks for that matter of the United States? Frankly...NO. This is why it matters to me what my friends and ones I admire think of my beliefs. First, we are all in this country together paying our taxes to run our government, although not efficiently (but that is for another post) . Second, we all have families that are affected greatly by the choices of leaders we pick to represent us. Lastly, we all must look out for one another and at the same time have the responsibility to ourselves to do what is best for us. Meaning, I'm not going to give a damn about what some third world country thinks of my beloved United States of America. The very country I put on the United States Navy uniform on to defend and protect.

There I back to my Communism comment. Let's look back at what Communism means.

Com"mu*nism\, n. [F. communisme, fr. commun common.] A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.
Note: At different times, and in different countries, various schemes pertaining to socialism in government and the conditions of domestic life, as well as in the distribution of wealth, have been called communism.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

So, going back to what Obama wants to do is have people making $250K or more a year pay more in taxes. To me, that means distribution of Socialism and Communism. Modern day Robin Hood, taking from the rich to give to the poor. Classless society in that everyone is equal, paying their "fair share". The point is, it's penalizing the ones who succeed or work hard for their money. I'm not talking about the CEO's and financial officers at huge organizations but the Mom and Pop shops and people who own small businesses. We NEED people to "want" to succeed, not worry if they reach over $250K for fear that they will be taxed more percentage wise than if they make $200K. My wife and I work hard for our money as do many of our friends. But in Obama's terms, $250K a year is "rich" and should pay more in taxes. Another thing, I DO NOT agree with the recent government buyout of failing companies. That is government interference in our economic conditions. Obama also wants government run health care, which in other words is...Yes, Socialized medicine. The point is here, with his plans of government backing bailouts, redistribution of wealth and government run health care, it looks more and more like Communism to me. It's not hatred, nor is it vitriol, but a difference of how I want to be governed. That is all politics is...the differences of how we all want to be governed and where we want our money to go. I mean no disrespect whatsoever regarding Sen. Barack Obama. I just feel with his policies, we are heading in the wrong direction.

I want to truly thank my friend though, for opening my eyes and realizing that there are people in this world that do mean a great deal to friends and family. I respect that individual a great deal and hope that he does not take my beliefs to hard to have hatred for or loss of respect of me. Keep Rockin' my friend.

As always with me, God Bless America and all who love their Freedom to chose who they want to govern them.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I wanted more hits from McCain!

OK, I'll say it, as much as it pains me: McCain blew it last night. Yep, I'm admitting defeat from our candidate in the National debate. McCain needed to hit Obama in the gut last night. The gut being ALL his ties to suspect crooks. I'm talking about Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Louis Farrakhan, and the other financial cronies. McCain lost his shot at pointing out the differences of association.

Anyway, I'm hoping many of you can see the difference that Obama presents of himself as to what type of person he is. Do you think he associates well with the middle class? Do you think he is just "one of the guys" and down to earth? This is the same guy throws expensive fundraisers, flies on big jets across the country (while touting energy savings) and saying our way to cure the energy crisis is to "deal with it". My oh my...what a waste of air he is breathing out to us common folk. I think he produces more helium out of his lungs is in any blimp across the country.

Anyway my fellow Americans, we don't have very long to get the message out that Communism is just around the corner with Obama. Government run health care, education and banking. YEAH! Just what we need, government interference with our money. Bottom line is...When he wins come November, we all lose. PERIOD!

God Bless America and all who pull that curtain shut on November 4th.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate Tonight...GIVE IT TO HIM MCCAIN!

I'm am really looking forward to the debate tonight. Hopefully the TownHall style will show some strengths that McCain has. Additionally, I hope McCain brings up all the "bad ties" to people that Obama has such as to the terrorists, corrupt bankers, racists reverands and so on.

Sorry for the delay in writings and such my friends. Life's battles sometimes throws wrenches into everyday lives. Such is the case with me. Busy with work, politics of the local and state front as well as with my favorite time of year:...hunting season.

Be safe and God Bless America!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Palin: Savior of the Party?

It's been a week now since John McCain announced that his VP running mate would be Gov. Sarah Palin from Alaska. So what effect has there been? Well, let's just say that the Republican base is now more energized than I have seen since this presidential campaign has started...the day after the General Election of 2006. What Palin brings to this ticket and the White House race for that matter, is executive experience. I know, some are saying that she is no more qualified than Barack Obama. Heck, Obama himself is stating he has more experience than her because he is running a presidential campaign. Reaching a bit I think.

Anyway my friends, let's look at that "experience" factor for a moment. Obama, Joe Biden and Mccain have never been a governor or a mayor or anything that resulted in overseeing of funds from a municipality, governing or any type of experience that resulted in being chosen by the people to do a job. He is STILL not the president. Palin, on the other hand has governed the State of Alaska and is the former mayor for Wasilla, Alaska. Additionally she has chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission for 2 years. That seems fitting since we are in a oil dependency dilemma with the Middle East.

Regardless of what outlandish statement Obama, Biden or other Democrats make regarding Palin's experience versus their "dream ticket", it won't hold up. Keep stating that your presidential campaign has more experience than everyone else Obama. It'll backfire in the long run, at least that is my belief. Nonetheless, people are coming out for McCain-Palin to show their support of this "down to earth" ticket. I'm one that firmly believes that this ticket is unbeatable with the American people. They have family issues, like most of us. The Palin's are an outdoors family with emphasis on hunting, fishing and outdoor power sports (snowmobile racing) as well as kids involved with team sports such as hockey. Those things right there will touch base more with the American people than will Obama's experience living in Indonesia as a child or his Kenyan background. Seems to me, with a War Hero in McCain and the All-American Mother in Palin, there is no arguing the Americanism on this ticket. The other ticket/ Well...the jury is still hung on that one.

God Bless America...Especially during this presidential race.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thank you Senator Collins and Prof. John Frary.

On many occasions, political candidates scale the large numbers of parade goers and give their little bit of time that they have back to the people. What many times gets lost in this is the true sincerity that the candidates have towards the prospective voters as well as giving them the answers that they may need, not what they want. Additionally, is the time that the candidates spend on their own giving to the people. This often gets taken for granted. Many know that I currently serve in a politically elected office, I can attest that my time spent doing the job is often unnoticed as well as unappreciated.

On to good news though. Today at the Norridgewock Labor Day Parade and Oosoola Days, we had an enormous turnout of Republicans for Sen. Susan Collins and Prof. John Frary as well as many of our local candidates of Peter Mills, Phil Curtis, Donna W. Finley, Angela Courchesney, and Walter Gooley. The "sea of red" that accompanied Sen. Collins was a testament to her strength in the party as well as her standing with Maine voters. The followers of John Frary, although minuscule to Collins, was yet another example of volunteers putting forward their time to support a candidate that might not be the mainstream, but yet says what he believes. That in itself is a feat all to its own. I was just glad that both of them as well as our local candidates took their time today to give to the people who don't normally see the good side and also time consuming side of politics.

I'll just end here by saying Thank You to all the candidates that volunteer their time to run for office as well as all their volunteers that give so much of their time to help their favorite candidate. Thank You!

As always with me, God Bless America! For if he doesn't, America may not be the Land of The Free.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I want Romney!

I'll say it now...I want Gov. Mitt Romney to be Sen John McCain's running for this election. I believe if he actually chooses an Independent as in Lieberman, than we will take two giant steps back with this party. He needs to look at the conservative wing of this party and more importantly, the Pro-Life crowd. I am a strong Pro-life advocate and believe that any other choice than a Pro-life running mate is calling for disaster.

This is a short note only to give my support for Gov. Mitt Romney for VP. He is a very articulate man and understand the bells and whistles of governing. If McCain does not chose Romney, my two other choices are Sec. of State Condi Rice and LA. Gov. , Bobby Jindal. Conservative, experience and able to get the crowds going is key here. We must stop the Obamamania from taking over the middle votes. We must remain America the Beautiful and Home of the Brave. We will move away from our freedom if Obama is elected by securing more debt to pay for useless programs. Not too mention, he is not a military person, thus putting our national security at risk. Remember the downsizing that Clinton did in the 1990's? It will be far worse if Obama is elected.

God Bless America! God Bless our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marine who fight for our freedom everyday in honor of our great country.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hatred: That's what is wrong with politics these days!

I truly enjoy the American political scene. I love the debates of ideas that could move our nation forward. I love the historical aspect of elections as well as the issues that are relevant at the time. With all these positives, there bounds to be negatives that bridges the gap of Americans. The negative here is the vast amounts of energy put towards hatred of political parties and political figures. You go to any college campus and the negativity and outright hatred towards one particular person is astounding. That person of course is President George W. Bush. Comments by many professors or other public figures is sickening. Last year Michelle Malkin talked about one person in particular, Betty Williams and other peaceniks and their hatred toward our nations leader. When you get Hollywood actors and actresses spilling out the hatred towards one person, it get sickening.

The point here is politics can become great again but it needs effort from both sides of the aisle. It doesn't mean that we have to join forces and become one party. Frankly that would be the worst thing to happen. What we need is to understand the differences in the parties but use less hatred. I had a conversation with a really good friend of mine that happens to be a public figure in the Maine Democratic Party in and we talked about that very issue. She had said that it might be better if the parties moved closer together. I explained that America needs to see the differences in policies. Our policies are different but the message is not as clear. It the differences that helped us become a great country. There were differences in religion, ownership of property and beliefs if government control. After that, she agreed that showing the differences is probably better. Both parties have essentially become watered down with hatred and at times they look too much alike. It's time is stops to move us forward. Remember President Bush and other political figures are human and make tough decisions for the betterment of this great nation. I hope we can all remember that when President Bush leaves office.

I guess this short little message is done. Just remember the hatred you may spill out towards another may comeback at you someday. Is it deserving at that point?

God Bless America!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Time away brings a new perspective.

Hello again from the wonderful state of Maine. Yes, I know it's been a few weeks since I last addressed the World but it doesn't go without thought. Think for a moment of all that has happened in the last few weeks. Jamie-Lynn Spears had a baby (or maybe two). Brad Pitt and Angilina Jolie had twins. McCain and Obama are still fighting on the campaign trail. We lost a great man in Tony Snow to the battle of cancer. Brett Favre has asked for a release from the Packers. A-Rod and his wife have split due to infidelity. And last but not least, I shot very poorly round at Palmyra Golf Course. Needless to say, the World does not stop when we stop, although it should.

In this time away I have had to deal with a new job in the environmental health and safety field and all the various programs assocaited with it. With that job comes hours of research, investigating of accidents and just meeting with individuals do hash out long term and short term goals. In my previous job, I spend most of my time conversing with my co-worker, Tom Cheetham, about our busy lives at home and semi-political analysis' of the campaigns and media coverage. Tom and I differed greatly on the political spectrum, however, we got along great both professionally and personally. Many of our political conversations consisted of talking about the scandals that existed across the board (Dems and GOP's) and us making satyrical comments about them that fit our political leanings. I, ofcourse am very conservative in my leanings. With him being the PhD. professor that teaches philosophy and Ecopsychology at Pacifica University and College of the Atlantic, obviously left leaning. We make jokes about him being the most "unsocial" Socialist in the Free World. He jokes that I like my women "real Liberal" and my politics "real conservative", thus making me the ideal candidate for any political office. The point is here, no matter how different we are, we get along great and have a great deal of respect for one another. I wonder though, do the Democrats or even Barack Obama have respect for the Republicans or President George W. Bush? I'm thinking NO.

During that time away, as I mentioned I was extremely busy with my new job. I kind of stepped away from the political arena during those weeks to concentrate on performing my job to the greatest of my ability. The thing is though, during those few weeks that I was away I wanted to see what was going on in the world but my conscience told me not to worry. Not sure why though. Then this morning it hit me. Nothing has changed. The Obama camp keeps waffling about Iraq and other policies and the Democratic leaders are still not giving the US taxpayers any relief with regards to drilling for oil at home. We are in a pinch right now with the economy, and if the Democrats want to see us out of it, they need to wake up and listen to the people. Drill Here, Drill now, and Drill Often. The speculators would get the point, thus moving the price of crude oil down due to the supply and demand factor, as well as the most important factor, that the United States will become a self-sufficient nation.

The new perspective here lies not with the campaign or the economy but with the expectations of said leaders. The perspective is, the leaders will not change, not even for the good of the people.

God Bless America!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Yet another "PC" apology from Obama.

This "politically correct" world in which we live in has gotten just about out of hand. Every minute statement or remark is checked over, scanned three or four times and beat to death by the PC police. Obama and his staffers issued another apology over the weekend, this time regarding to Muslim women who were barred from sitting behind him during a speech. Some volunteers for the Obama campaign moved the women after realizing that they were wearing headscarves and might be seen on camera. And they say the Democrats are tolerant. Um, by the actions of his campaign staffers, I would say not. If this happened to Sen. John McCain, the Democrats,, CAIR and many other groups would be calling for the firing of those staffers. Not in Obama's campaign.

So, let's look at this in another context. Do we really feel that Obama does want those women behind him at the next rally? Or do we think now that Obama might realize that if he portrays people from religious backgrounds, especially ones associated with terrorism, that the American people might not vote for him? That is my thought. I think he knows that the viewing some of his supporters might hurt his chances of becoming president. Am I wrong? I doubt it.

I know, many may believe that my comments are not "PC" enough or even racist in context. However, that is not the case here. Everyone seems to be apologizing these days for some sort of ethnic reference or religious comment. Does a comment automatically mean that people are racist or "intolerant?" No it does not. It means that they think a different way than others think. The intolerant part is that Obama's staffers moved two "ethnic" looking individuals so they would not be seen on camera. That is racist...period. My comments referring to Obama and his realization that certain people can hurt his campaign is not racial nor is it intolerant but more or less realistic. Remember something here, we are still at war with Muslim extremists and many in American understand this. Obama understands this as well. Any association with known terrorists or organizations does pit masses against you. Remember back when Obama entered the presidential race, he made comments regarding our military men and women who lost their lives and referred to that as "wasted". (Yes, another PC apology) That my Fellow Americans is a presidential candidate referring to the military personnel who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom from terrorism and referred to their lives as wasted for doing so. I guess Obama doesn't cherish Freedom and respect the ones that have fallen in the name of this country.

God Bless America and our Military.

Friday, June 13, 2008

67% Want New Nuke Plants. About time!

In a recent poll taken by Zogby, 67% of people favor new nuclear power plants being built in the United States. Does this number surprise anyone? At first I thought that was a little high, considering we haven't built a new plant in over 25 years and the "scare" tactics that many of the environmentalists and critics have brought on. Couple that with the disasters in Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and the many "scares" that have occurred in the 1970's and 80's. It's just nice to know that we haven't abandoned the whole idea of returning to nuclear power.

A few years back in college, I did a presentation on the "Generation III" nuclear reactors and how efficient and extremely safe they were compared to the old ones. One particular reactor I touched upon was the Westinghouse AP1000. It was a closed loop system that had an abundant amount of fail-safe modes. That is the key here, fail-safe integration into our highly advanced systems helps alleviate the fear that many have regarding nuclear power. At the going rate, oil prices are getting out of hand and that is just because of the speculators and not demand. Energy costs of fuel oil, natural gas and even wood heat for that matter are at all-time highs. What are the options now? Hydrogen based systems are still in the beginning stages and ethanol products are depleting many of the much needed food crops.

To me, it only makes sense to start producing nuclear power again at a much more rapid rate. The systems nowadays are safer, produce less byproducts (waste) as well as producing more energy than ever before. In these times of need to reduce the burden on our wallets as well as overall energy consumption, this makes sense. I only hope that someday soon, many in the policy making positions understand the benefits of nuclear power again.

God Bless America.

Russert gone too soon!

In these short few hours following the news of the untimely death of someone I consider a "political TV legend", Tim Russert, I am still in bit of a shock. When I found out, shortly after 3:45 pm Eastern Time, I was sitting back and having a cold one with my sister and her friends. We all just sat there amazed at the story unfolding in front of us. Now, I wasn't a huge fan of Russert, but, with anyone that has had as much of an impact on political views in this country as anyone in the business, I considered him a person of great professional status and respected him even more. The impact he has had on others is immeasurable.

Sometimes, in moments like this I like to reflect on another's life and in what ways they may have impacted my life. At first, I couldn't really think of a single event, story or even an interview he gave that caught my eye. But I knew there was something about him that I admired and couldn't figure out why. Then, it hit me as I drove home listening to Sean Hannity talk about his colleague and friend. It was there on the radio. It was an interview that Russert did on Hannity's show about three years ago. It was shortly after his book, Big Russ and Me, came out and they talked about the book and his life growing up with "Big Russ". The sincerity that Russert had at the time in the interview with Hannity, whom, they had disagreed on many occasions politically, struck me as a quality like no other. He wasn't demeaning nor was he making the interview about him. It was about his dad. Pure sincerity about the man that raised him and that he admired more than anyone. They seemed to share stories about their fathers that was like two friends sitting having coffee and just talking. for a moment it wasn't a radio was life.

Kindness and sincerity go a long way in life and maybe that is why Tim Russert went far in his short lived life. He had both qualities and it showed in various ways. His interviews that he gave on a weekly basis were not brutal but more friendly to the viewer. I hope that someday many other political pundits and players in the rat race receive some of his qualities. Until then, Rest in Peace Little Russ and God Bless.

As always with me, God Bless America and all those that have and still do protect it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Clinton Concedes! We now have a race for President!

It is finally over. Yes, I'm talking about the long, drawn out race for the Democratic nomination for President. Today, Hillary Clinton pulled out of the race and gave her full support for Barack Obama. Does it really surprise anyone that she is supporting him now? Just like I wrote about a few weeks back when Edwards gave his support for Obama, she is trying to line herself up for the VP candidate slot. However, will he indeed pick her? Only he knows for sure.

Thinking about that possibility for a moment, will it actually help him or hurt him if he chooses her to be 2nd in line? To really take a look at this, consider her large wins in the rural states such as Kentucky, West Virginia and so on. He has shown a lack of support from those voters so he indeed would need some kind of kick in the tail. She definitely would bring that to him.

In another thought, how will this now shape up for Sen. John McCain? He now has been sitting back so to speak and watching the Democratic candidates battle each other over their party nomination. Has this time out of the larger spotlight helped McCain? I beleive it has helped him. He pretty much let those two candidates try to take each other out and force them to make mistakes and in the end, put himself in a more favorable light amongst some voters.

As with any politcal race, it isn't over until the last vote is cast, then again, in 2000, it wasn't over until Al Gore exhausted his resources. I'm thinking that the next few weeks and leading up to the national conventions, all the punches will be thrown and the momentum will shift in McCains favor, considering he doesn't mess it up himself. He is best to leave the negative stuff up to Obama and solely focus on his policies.

God Bless America!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Obama set to win: America set to lose!

Now, as Sen. Barack Obama is set to accept the Democratic Party's nomination for President either tonight or tomorrow, what does this actually mean for the rest of us? Meaning, what can we expect from the mainstream news media? Can we expect the truth? Can we expect an objective outlook on his credentials? Will we see the evidence of his suspect "flawless" character associated with various personnel such as with Rev. Wright and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers. Well, to put it lightly, I believe we can expect the dirtiest job by the media in the history of the United States. This is media is foaming at the mouth to have a minority be the Democratic Party's nomination, they just can't hide their emotions. Months back, MSNBC's Chris Matthew's "gets tingles up his leg" when Obama speaks, which is outright scary if you ask me. So what exactly will the media do now to promote "Obamamania?"

Let's put his inevitable nomination in place right now. What will the media show to be his biggest assets as he moves on through to the General Election? Will they show his vast governmental experience in leading us away from terrorism? Nope. His mountains of legislation proposed and passed by a bi-partisan legislature? Again, no. Will they show us how he brought America together in a time of conflict? Oh yeah, no that was George W. Bush, so that is a NO. Will the mainstream media reveal his intellect in economic policies and foreign relations that will guide us out of the recession and have a more positive viewing throughout the World? I'm thinking not. Are you seeing a pattern here my fellow Americans? The ONLY thing the mainstream media will show about Obama is how he overcame his race to win the nomination. But Matt...isn't that something? Yes, sure it is, it's the only thing to the media.

Think about it for a moment, once he claims the nomination, and McCain's staff starts adds about Obama and his religion, his lack of experience, his wife's negative comments about America, his relationships with unethical individuals, what will the media do? The will say that McCain is a "racist" and point out anything thing negative towards Obama is because of his race....PERIOD! I'm not saying I want that to happen. I would hope we were starting to get past that point now. However, the media here and with all the supporters that Obama has, they do not want this campaign derailed because of inexperience or relationships. They need to push their guy forward and show an intolerant side of John McCain. This is why America is going to lose. We lose because of the untruth and because of the mainstream media. In order for American to win in this Election, the media must become objective across the board and not subjective towards one candidate. Again, these are just my thoughts and I am being paid by no-one to make these enlightened and intellectually thought out perspectives.

As always with me...God Bless America, and ALL of our servicemen and women protecting our Freedom all over the World.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Do your religious views mirror to your political views?

I wonder sometimes, how or if ones religious values and beliefs support or even dictate for that matter, their political views? Are we destined to use our religious faith and background to make the most difficult decisions in life, such as voting for a leader? I'm only asking this question because sometimes I just would like to understand what people use for their own rational in political assessments and viewpoints. Some individuals just scare me with their thought process.

We all know that John F. Kennedy was this country's first Roman Catholic every elected to President. Being that is it may, his brother, Sen. Ted Kennedy is also Roman Catholic. As I am as well. The truth of the matter is that as a Catholic growing up, we were taught simple basic lessons in life that were supposed to help guide us through decision making processes. Those such as: Honor our mother and thy father. Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not kill....and so on and so on. Sen. Kennedy however, has essentially killed a woman, lied on the floor of the Senate about our president to the American people following the 9/11 attacks and supports abortion. The question comes then, when does your faith kick in to make the appropriate decisions? When is your faith supposed to be the deciding factor in saying what is right or wrong.

Here's another topic about doing what is correct or what you believe in. How can an actor, who is known to be homosexual, act in full faith about a character who is straight. Are they not lying to themselves and to the viewers for that matter? I believe so. If they are lying about who they are, then they are lying about what they believe in.

The opposite is true as well. How can an actor who is heterosexual (and say a practicing Christian and against the homosexual lifestyle) portray a character who is homosexual and not feel a bit of guilt knowing their own faith and background. I truly think though, that many people do not use their faith enough to make decisions but use the power of persuasion and peer pressure in order to make the decisions they do. Religious faith is something that you have and may sometimes lose it if you do not practice using it.

We all know that many political leaders say the are very religious and have strong beliefs in their Church. But, we also know that many of these leaders pander to special interest groups in order to get votes and money to stay in office. I just wished that they actually looked at their faith and what their Church tells them and believes in to do what is absolutely right for the citizens in this great nation.

In this very important election year that is full of secrets, disassociation, backstabbing and many other unfortunate items, I ask you all to turn to your faith in your religion. This will hopefully lead you to make the greatest and sound decision you could ever make for a candidate for political office. I know I will use my religious faith to help make that decision when I go to the voting booth. I'm sure the Founding Fathers used their faith to formulate those great documents as well as the strucuture for our existing government.

Now more than ever...GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Edwards endorces Obama! Why Now?

So John Edwards, the former vice presidential running mate for Sen. John Kerry in the 2004 election, is endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for president. Does this surprise anyone? Not me. You had to think that sooner or later that he would endorse the front runner (whoever that was going to be) before the convention. Why you ask? Well, why would he want to come out for the eventual "loser" early in the nomination process when he can wait and see, then endorse the nominee and align himself up for another run at the VP slot? If no one saw this coming, than you all need a political reality check. Edwards loves politics a great deal. He loves himself even more. He loves the spotlight on himself and anything associated with being on top. He loves news stories that promote him and that casts a glowing beam of light upon him. What he'll be sorry for is when Obama doesn't pick him for the VP ticket slot. You will then see a real bitter man take shots at Obama and then silently go away whimpering in the corner. At least that is my take on it. Heck I've been wrong before. I actually thought that Edwards would win the nomination back in November.

So with this endorsement, what does it mean for Hillary Clinton, and John McCain for that matter? As far as Clinton, she'll have a slight up hill battle at first, but Edwards will say more on the TV and new stations and dig himself in a hole, thus shedding a better light upon Hillary. I'm sure people will ask Clinton what she thinks of Edwards endorsement and if she had talked with him. Her response will be respectful but demeaning at the same time. She'll shrug it off like all the other legislative endorsements that Obama has gotten. In my eyes, this endorsement will likely cause more damage to Obama in the end then early on.

As for John McCain. He will sit back and let the cards play out on the Democratic Party side. He still needs to just focus on his policy making, his speeches and getting conservatives on board with his agenda. That is the sell for him...the conservative base. They need to be assured that he will fight for the things they believe in such as limited government spending, right to life, traditional marriage amendment and so on. These issues as well as the economy, is what will be the deciding factors in this race. Getting the base out to support you is key in this day and age as well as gaining new support. Just sit back my freinds....this is getting exciting.

God Bless America!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Clinton wins BIG in West Virginia! McCain must be happy!

As the numbers are still pouring in the remaining precincts in West Virginia, Hillary Clinton is celebrating a decisive victory over Barack Obama. At of the time of this writing, she is up nearly by 37 points over Obama with 56% of the precincts reporting. In other words, that's one heck of a beating. But, will this key victory propel her to gain some support from the remaing super delegates? Additionally, will she keep fighting on until the DNC Convention? Only her and her advisors know for sure. It was just last week when NBC's Tim Russert and others claimed she was done. I wonder though, what are those critics are thinking now of Clinton's victory?

Rest assure my fellow Americans, Hillary Clinton will not drop out of this presidential race as long as she is winning votes and primaries. Her whole argument of winning the popular vote and the states where the most electoral votes are is what is driving her to try and seat those delegates from Florida and Michigan who has been denied thus far from the DNC. Do we really think that the DNC will forget and shun the voters of those two states? Yep. They will, if it means putting a new face of the Democratic Party at the forefront. They do not want a devisive party much less one that is subject to criticism from the will of the people. They simply want her to drop out quietly and show some "unity" with the other party faithful. Sorry Howard Dean; not going to happen. Your party is imploding and so is your chances of returning to the White House.

As a Republican, I am elated that Hillary Clinton won in West Virginia tonight. This means to me that the Democratic Party and their poster child of Obama is indeed sucking wind. As a diehard Republican, I am a man of party loyalty, which means, yes, I am supporting Sen. John McCain for President. If my current president whom I whole heartedly supported in both his elections is behind John McCain, than I can to. This is a gret time to be McCain as well with the victory of Clinton tonight. This means that he can still work with his advisors to formulate his strategic plans for Iraq, Foreign Relations with Middle East leaders, and other important tasks that U.S. presidents need to do. The fighting in the Democratic Party has given him the ideal situation in preparing for the things that Americans feel are most important. Those being the economy, War on Terror, Iraq, government spending, social security and so on. Whatever the topic, you can bet that McCain is finalizing his plans for the American people.

On a side not, we are very lucky and fortunate to see the whole electoral process take place this election cycle. This has been a real treat for political enthusiasts like myself and other s who blog in their spare time. The Democratic Party still fighting for a nominee and both campaigns having their fair share of drama and hiccups. The Republican Party having their own drama at state conventions with Ron Paul being an annoying little voice that won't go away. Whatever it has been to many of you, it for sure has been exciting to me to witness these events. I'm glad I live in these wonderful United States of America to experience what we have here.

God Bless America!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Matt's Take: 2008 Maine Republican Convention

So the 2008 Maine Republican State Convention has come and gone. This past weekend many exciting things happened along with a few hiccups. Regardless of those later items, it was a great event designed to motivate the masses and to push our Republican agenda to the tops of every one's minds. A great speech by former GOP Presidential candidate, Gov. Mitt Romney on Friday night captured a very grateful audience and in an eloquent way, demanded unity with the party faithful. Additionally, Sen. Olympia Snowe, Sen. Susan Collins and congressional candidates, Dean Scontras and John Frary added to the patriotic and embracing atmosphere. I was very pleased, as well as extremely tired, when it was all said and done on Saturday afternoon.

The hiccups along the way that I mentioned were mainly due to a few items that got tangled in the area of the agenda. I'm sure many that went to the event and complained about the time it took for certain things to occur, generally take the volunteers in place for granted. I know what many of them were going through and I respect ALL the volunteers behind the scenes of this event a great deal. So, let's not complain about the event unless you want to volunteer at the next one.

Now, speaking of volunteers, we're going to need plenty this election cycle. The Ron Paul supporters who made it on the city and county committees and the State Committee, I truly hope they stay involved and help our local candidates. Whatever you feel about a presidential candidate can also be transferred to the local arena as well. I will venture to say that most all Republicans in the Maine Legislature are conservatives and do what ever is needed to limit the growth of government. Isn't that one of our principles of the Republican Party, to limit government?

Finally, many of you know I serve as Chairman of the Somerset County Republican Committee and I want to offer my deepest sincere congratulations to my good friend (and somewhat of a mentor), Maine GOP Chairman Mark Ellis. Mark, along with Executive Director Julie Ann O'Brien managed to have not one, but two great speakers attending this years Convention. Gov. Mitt Romney and national political commentator, Cal Thomas. Both men gave wonderful speeches that played very well to our brand of Maine Republicans. Mark and Julie have done a great job with keeping the party together in a trying time during the differences of opinions at the presidential level as well as at the local level. They have pushed hard for working closer with the Republican leadership in the Maine Legislature and you can definitely see the impact with the "McCain Unity Ticket" of national delegates. Regardless of the presidential race, Maine Republicans have to come together to battle our own issues here in Augusta. Again, I thought the convention ended with the enthusiasm that was well needed to move this party forward. I'm glad I attended and am truly glad I am a Republican in Maine.

God Bless America!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Did Pennsylvania change momentum for Clinton?

You have to wonder sometimes whether or not we just really underestimate the Clinton "Machine". A few months back, Hillary Clinton had a sizable lead in polls of around 20% for voters of Pennsylvania. As time has progressed, that lead dwindled down to just a few points and even tied in some polls just as a week ago. Then comes Tuesday April 22 nd, ...she completely blew Barack Obama out of the water. Was it her campaign advisers and volunteers or was it him imploding before our eyes? Whatever it is, it's fascinating on many fronts.

Now, many of you know that I do not support Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama to be our next president. My reasons are that I do not feel that their vision for America will pull us forward economically or protect us from unforeseen circumstances home and abroad. However, I do respect them for the part they are taking in regards to our political process. I also truly enjoy watching this unique political process take place as well as watching all the trends that lead up to actual votes in primaries across the country. Some of those trends include seeing Clinton's money drying up as well as her support. Also, watching the "rock star" status of Obama take over in getting those once associated with Clinton as supporters. Now if you watched the news in the last month or so, you saw that Obama has taken some hits regarding his former pastor Rev. Wright and his assessment of voters in Pennsylvania. Disassociation from one person can hurt you in many ways but mainly it hurts in your principles if you wait too long. So, the question lingers, did Pennsylvania hurt Obama's momentum? Only time will tell.

Now, as far as momentum, Clinton may have gained some, but she is not in free sailing mode just yet. She has had her own setbacks in recent weeks. For instance, there was the much gone over "sniper fire" instance she claimed while in Bosnia, since she has rebuked by saying she misremembered her trip to the region. Also, her daughter has fielded questions about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky when voters asked how that instance made her mom stronger. The point is, whatever day it is or week for that matter, and being under a scrutinized media microscope, the chances are greater that things will be said and over blown to greater proportions now that the presidential race is in its final stages. Both parties, candidates and all their supporters are looking for anything to make their candidate appear closer to the "average" voter.

The next test for the candidates are the states of North Carolina and Indiana. Indiana, to some appears to be an even ground for both. I'm not so sure though. Indiana has a proximity advantage for Obama, being next to his home state of Illinois. The larger, more populated areas such as Indianapolis and Gary (a short distance and somewhat suburb of Chicago) will more likely favor Obama. Whereas the more rural areas will favor Clinton. Only time will tell. Also, we must remember that the media reports are a pivotal part of this campaign. Every ounce of coverage will have an effect one way or another. Sit back, relax and get some popcorn. This could get real exciting if Clinton can pull off a few more victories.

God Bless America!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Patriots Day: A Revolutionary Holiday!

This past weekend, my wife and I , along with our daughter and some of her friends from class, including her teacher, took a trip to Massachusetts. The purpose of this trip was to witness the reenactments of the battles of Lexington and Concord. I was taken back as was many of us of the amount of people that was there for this event as well as the preparation for it and the historic reference. The events were held at Minuteman National Historic Park and is held every year the weekend leading up to Patriots Day.

What amazed me most was the amount of people that was involved in the whole process. Hundreds of people wore Colonial uniforms, British uniforms as well as other outfits for woman and infants. The purpose of this trip was to go see the Re-enactment of the first shots of the American Revolutionary War. As you know, the first shots were held at the battles of Lexington and Concord.

I was in astonishment while in the visitor center that we were only a few hundred yards away of where the first shots of the Revolutionary War rang out. We were on the same trail and terrain that Paul Revere and William Dawes had rode to warn the Colonists that "the Regulars are coming." Looking at the a memorial of where a British soldier was buried, reminds me of what it would have been like had the Colonists not stood up and fought for their rights of Freedom and Liberty. Thank God we now have those rights and I am forever grateful of our Founding Fathers and heroic Colonists.

I urge others to get the chance and to take in the events of Lexington and Concord during Patriots Day weekend. Also, you can always take a break from it and watch the Boston Red Sox play a morning game or the Boston Marathon. Regardless, there is much to be said of the historic element that we have so close to home. If we just ignore the past, we will never be able to cherish or respect what we have presently.

God Bless America!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Is the Economy that bad? Go Buy Some Stocks!

Well as we near the dreaded April 15th IRS tax deadline, how do we feel about the economy? I know, some of you may say that it the overall picture of the economy is that we are in a "recession" or some argue that this is actually a "depression". Whatever is going on, I'm sure we can all agree that things can get better.

Gas prices, food prices and other goods are gradually increasing, thus putting more of a burden on our families and citizens. I know my wife and I have felt some of the sting in our pockets. Heating oil and gas have hurt. Maybe it's because we bought a new truck and that F150 is sucking down the gas like a thirsty dog. Oh well, I needed it right? I think so. Regardless of the prices we pay, we still have to make sacrifices to make sure we hold our heads above water. We take turns on using the gas guzzling truck versus the other economy car. We buy store brands items instead of name brand (except Oreo's). We constantly look for the cheapest gas in the area and try not to take too many trips away from the home. Sacrifice is the name of the game.

There is also another thing we do that I feel is a better deal than it was a year ago. It may sound crazy but what the heck, we're still young. We increased our funds to our retirement accounts and stocks savings accounts. ask? Well, if you haven't realized it lately, stocks are down right now, which means in MattTERMS...they are on sale! That's right, company stocks such as Merck (MRK), Pfizer (PFE), Microsoft (MSFT), and yes, even Bear Stearns (BSC), are all "on sale". Now, we know what happened to Bear Stearns and how the Fed is bailing them out, so throw that aside for now. Those other companies have great growing potential right now. For one, they all pay dividends and two, they are with-in striking distance of their 52-week low. Which means the "Blue Light Special" is on in Aisle Watt Street.

Now, I'm not a financial guru, but I do know a sale when it hits me beside the head. I know, how can stocks be considered a "sale" item? Well, the point is, if you are investing for your future, putting more money in your retirement savings or other investment portfolios, buying more stocks at a lower price only means that when the market does correct itself, the stock goes up as well as the dividend. Mind you, we only invest in proven companies, such as those in the Dow Jones 30, especially those that pay dividends. So, let the American investment spirit take over and let the fortunes begin.

God Bless America!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Who should McCain pick? I say Condi!

The other day I was discussing with a colleague about the much viewed picture of Sen. John McCain being real chummy with Gov. Mitt Romney on the campaign trail. Obviously the topic came up of whether McCain should indeed pick Romney to be his VP running mate. At this point, what would be the best scenario for the Republicans to maintain the White House?

I argued that maybe it would be more beneficial for McCain to pick Condoleezza Rice over Romney. Before anyone blows a gasket on my radical thought, think about what is going on in the world of politics. The Democrats are bickering all the time about Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama being their nominee. Both camps are fighting for gender votes, minority votes and white male votes. My thought is, if you put McCain-Rice ticket up against Obama-Clinton, You hit the ultimate extreme in political cat and mouse game. The race card should not be played at that point because each party would have a minority involved in the campaign. Second, the gender issue would be out of the question because of both Rice and Clinton. That leaves one major factor of differences left to distinguish the candidates. Experience!

Experience has always been a factor in political campaigns. McCain has decades of service to his country as both a military war hero and a Senator. Obama has limited experience at best and lack of leadership at the international level as well as no military experience. Condoleezza Rice has a wealth of experience on foreign relations as well as national security. Hillary Clinton has experience as a First Lady, but International diplomacy? No! National security? No!

To me, the choice is simple. You go with the best ticket that represents the most experience versus the other ticket. McCain-Rice is a far superior ticket on all national election items versus an Obama-Clinton ticket. Sometimes, experience has to count for something. In this case, it should count for moving the country forward and protecting it from radical extremists. I hope others see my point.

God Bless America!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Maine's 1st day of Fishing Season is coming: Take a Child Fishing!

In just over a week, Maine's Open Water Fishing Season for 2008 will begin. If you are an avid fisherman like myself, you understand what the fresh air and cool water can bring to a person that has been cooped inside all winter, than you are ready to tackle the elements and head fishing. What also is important to many anglers is to try and share those outdoor moments with someone by bringing with a child along. It is one way we can pass on the heritage of the great outdoors to future generations of outdoor conservationists.

I have taken my daughter Vanessa fishing on or near the Opening Day for the last few years. It is something that I truly enjoy, maybe not so much the fishing part but the spending time with her showing her the Great Outdoors of Maine and buying hot dogs, candy bars and soda at the local stores that rely so much on the sportsmen in the area. I like to go to the small family run stores that have a sign out front that says "Welcome Fisherman". This to me, means that they understand the importance that we sportsmen have on our local economy.

Going back to why it is good to take kids fishing, or hunting for that matter. The outdoor lessons taught by adults, whether a parent, uncle, aunt or family friend to our children is the last link of pure heritage and tradition with the outdoors. In today's world, the educational elites and union mentality believe that they are the best source for educating our children on the environmental impacts that man has had on the earth. Additionally, they find it suits their interests best by indicating that the natural taking of wild game and fish is morally wrong and unjustified. However, those individuals that push those environmental viewpoints seem to forget our wonderful history in the United States. I'm talking about how early Americans had to survive by killing their own food, growing their own vegetables and doing whatever it took to survive. They practiced sustainable farming and only took what wild game they needed to survive. They knew that hunting provided the necessary tools that was needed in order to make it through another harsh winter. Fishing at the same point provided some of the same type of satisfaction knowing that an abundance of healthy fish was within their reaches.

Just remember, if you are going to go fishing in Maine and other states, know your fishing laws. There are some new changes to Maine's Open Water Fishing Laws. Also, know where you are going and be sure to tell someone where you are going. Additionally, if you want more information on taking kids fishing and being involved, visit the Hooked on Fishing - Not Drugs website through the State of Maine. It doesn't take much to bring a child to the outdoors, just a desire to pass on tradition and be involved.

God Bless America!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thank You Town of Norridgewock and Fonzo's Pizza

Yesterday at the Norridgewock Town Meeting and elections, I got re-elected to the Board of Selectmen along with Ron Frederick, Dick Holt, Rick Pomerleau and Victor Jepson. I want to thank the citizens of Norridgewock in allowing me to serve the community again in this capacity. Many of you know that I hold the position very seriously and every decision that I make on that board is with the best interests if the town in mind.

I personally would like to thank a few businesses and individuals for believing in my abilities to do the job of Selectman. They start off of course with my beautiful wife Erin. She knows how much this town means to me as well as how hard I work to ensure that things are done correctly with regards to town policies. Also I would like to thank Ron Frederick and Lisa Frederick, Kay and Alan Laney, Gloria Frederick, Jim Lyman, Winston Ford, Town Manager John Doucette, Rep. Phil Curtis and County Commissioner Phil Roy. Many of you I sought support and / or advice from regarding various issues in the town and I appreciate your help immensely. Lastly I would like to thank Buster and Al Dixon at Fonzo's Pizza on Route 8 in Norridgewock (Call for Great pizza: 207-634-2112) for giving me the encouragement and support to serve as a Selectman for the town. My compliments to the Chef boys.

On another note, in a recent Morning Sentinel article regarding the Town Meeting and elections, we as a Select Board put to the towns people some various articles. One particular article was to see if the Town would be in favor of moving the Town Treasurer and Town Clerk positions to appointed instead of elected. Last night, the Town voted 39-28 NOT to allow those positions to be appointed. I personally did feel that those positions need to be appointed, but the will of the people at this time was to have the freedom to chose who they wanted in those positions. In my eyes, I felt that by appointing those positions by the Town Manager, it allowed for more accountability to the position, thus providing a way to handle a situation if there happened to be mistakes found that needed to be addressed more quickly. In the current form, accountability is left to the people to determine if there is a problem with the positions. In listening to the towns people last night at the Town Meeting, many did not understand what those jobs entailed and the fact that certain critical items were not being done correctly, thus possibly putting Towns best interest in jeopardy. At the end of the day, the people wanted the freedom to chose the Town Clerk and Town Treasurer, however, at this point I believe many got the point that in order to hold those positions accountable, people need to take things into their own hands and look at what is being done. I hope for the Towns sake, that the people that came last night will continue to be involved and put pressure on ALL the elected officials in town to do what is supposed to be done.

Again, I want to thank those individuals that have continued to support me as a Town Selectman. Thank you Norridgewock. Go get some pizza at Fonzo's

God Bless America!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Time for Real Change in Maine!

As much as I hate to say it, Barack Obama is right about one thing, "It's time for real change". At least here in Maine that change has been needed for a long time. It's been well over 30 years here in Maine since Republicans have controlled both houses in Augusta or at least had a legitimate say in what policies come forth. Over the years since, we have continuously seen legislation that has hurt the Maine taxpayer (I.e increases in hunting, fishing, boating, and recreational registration licenses) , small businesses (workers compenstion laws, healthcare costs and business equipment tax) and the overall economy. We have seen the most stringent environmental and workers compensation laws that have literally bankrupted companies or forced them to move out of state (Solon Manufacturing and Dexter Shoe to name a few). We have seen healthcare companies dwindle down in size and force an suspective monopoly upon the wokers in Maine with Dirigo. We must issue a change in Maine that will help sustain the future and not inhibit growth of our state. That change must start in Augusta this year by electing strong fiscally conservative candidates to the Legislature.

Since he has taken office, Governor Baldacci and his administration have not held their bargin of lowering the tax burden on the local economies. For instance, the school consolodation bill does the reverse to those municipalities that can not comply with the current legislation that was passed last year. What should have occurred was instead of penalizing those communities for not adhering to the Governors proposal of consolodation, there should have been funding incentives for those districts that did show a fiscal savings with consolidation. This administration took the bad cop approach and forced districts to comply or their funding would decrease, thus putting more of a tax burden on those communities.

That is just one area where Governor Baldacci and his administration has failed the citizens of Maine. The list goes on and on with jail consolidation, increased fees in outdoor licenses, not suspending the gas tax for a period of time as to provide relief to citizens and so on. The point of the matter is that as long as this administration keeps looking at ways to build tax revenue from its taxpayers, the more it hurts the citizens and the overall well being of the state.

At this point I am asking all citizens in the State of Maine to look past the national elections, the Presidential "Hoopla", the War on Terror, and all the other activities outside of the area to focus on what is going on right here at home. We must remember that what happens in Augusta with our local law makers impacts us more directly and more quickly that what happens in Washington D.C. The only way for Maine to get back on track now is to take control of government and not let it take control of us, like it has done for so many years. We must hold the playmakers in Augusta accountable and tell them that we have had enough of the spending and penalizing of the working families of Maine. We must elect fiscally conservative and responsible people to Augusta. This is the only way that the Maine citizens best interests will be looked after. Please support your local candidates that support you. The time is now.

God Bless America and Maine!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Romney's out too: Now what?

Well, after a very eventful time in Maine last weeknd, Gov. Mitt Romney call's it quits today. I really must admit I was a little shocked at the timing, however, his reasons were very admirable. His speech today at the Conservative Political Action Convention said it all.

“If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I
would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that
Sen. Clinton or Obama would win,” he said. "And in this time of war, I simply
cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror."

So the question comes, what now? Who is left to battle Sen. John McCain? My friend Tim commented on my previous post about Having a Huckabee / Paul ticket would bring out the conservative voters due to Huckabee being a social conservative and Paul being a fiscal conservative. He may be right, however, who will bring out the moderates to win the election? That seems to be the key to winning the election time after time.

We have never seen a president become more conservative on issues as his presidency has moved on. President Bush seemed pretty conservative to many of us when he was elected. Time has shown that his fiscal side is anything but conservative. With John McCain all but clinching the Republican nomination, if he were elected President, who would he chose for a running mate? How conservative will he be or better yet, how liberal will he act? We already know that he is for amnesty for illegals and against waterboarding of prisoners to gain information. Can he be that strong on defense with those items? I'm not sure. I hope for America's sake he is. I truly hope he understands what is at stake here...Our Freedom! Unitl the General Election I'll keep asking...Now What?

God Bless America!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Romney wins in my home state of Maine!

Well, my vote counted today in the Maine Caucus and Presidential Preference as Gov. Mitt Romney won the state by very convincing numbers. In my county of Somerset, Romney garnered about 51% to McCains nearly 26% and surprising Ron Paul got about 13% to Mike Huckabee's 9% where additionally 1% of voters were undecided. It was a great day for Maine Republicans that participated in the process.

As the poll numbers come in from around the state, Romney's lead is staying consistant with my county. My major concern of the week leading up to this was of all the support that Ron Paul was gaining. I'm not saying I am bothered by his stances and such, just that I believe him to be a low level tier candidate that cannot gain the same amount of support in other parts of the country. I did not want to see a Paul victory in Maine for the very reason of not supporting a major candidate. Now if Paul had won a primary by now I may be OK with it. However, even with Huckabee only winning a few states, he is still in my eyes a lower tier candidate.

I honestly thought that McCain would give more of a fight to Romney in Maine. McCain had the support of our ranking members of the party with Sen. Susan Collins and Sen. Olympia Snowe as well as Maine House Minority Leader Josh Tardy. I really looked at it like with that much fire power, how could he not win in a moderate state? Well, that is why I do not get paid to make predictions about politics.

I did get up and say a few words on behalf of Sen. Collins and try to gain some support for her. I was asked if i would do that by her office and I accepted because I think she has a done a wonderful job representing Maine while she has been in Washington. Additionally, I also spoke of my upcoming election as a Town Selectman that is in March. I encouraged all the voters that to take part in that process of a Town Meeting. I like seeing people be involved, even if I do always agree with their view. This allows for more opinions and viewpoints to be heard as well as ideas being floated around during trying times. That is what our country was built of from ...ideas!

I will close with saying that it was very nice seeing all the people come out to my local caucus and the ones located across my county to participate in the very unique voting process. I hope those individuals continue to support the Somerset County Republican Committee and the Maine Republican Party as well as all our local candidates as they are the reason I do all the volunteer work that I do. I love politics and I truly love my State of Maine and the passion in wanting it to prosper for the future generations of Mainers.

God Bless America!

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Rebates are coming: Maine IRS Stay Away!

Well, one way to stimulate the economy is the give people back their money, or at least some of them anyway. Congress approved the Presidents package to issue tax rebaates. Is this the right way to do it though? Some say that people will just save the checks or money and not put it back into the economy, which is the initial intent of the plan. Personally, I think that if it is ours to begin with, why tell us how to spend it?

My problem lies not with the portions that are coming back to the citizens but with to whom they are going. Couples who make over $150K or individuals that make over $75K are not entitled to these rebates. What is stranage about the package is that some individuals that didn't even pay federal income tax are getting money back from the government. Is this a dip in the wrong pocket or just a way to stick it to people who do succeed in life here in this country? If a rebate is supposed to go to the ones with children and to married or even single individuals, why limit who those individuals are? Additionally, why give to the ones who did not even put into the system in the first place? That is my problem. The people that didn't even earn enough to have federal taxes taken away get a rebate. That to me looks like an income and not a rebate.

I'm all for stimulating the economy but let's be fair about it. Let's give it back to all citizens that earn an income and have children regardless of income. For those that are totally against the tax rebates in general I ask one question: How are you going to spend your money? Me, well I'm lobbying for a snowmobile or new golf clubs, but my wife has other plans. I told her the money is meant to "stimulate the economy and we need to do that by buying golf clubs". She said it was meant to stimulate our debt and retirement. Well, she did have a few explatives in there as well, so I can't argue. Only in America can we have a dilemma like this.

One last thing, more like a MEMO to the Maine IRS: Stay away from my rebate. I give you enough of my money now leave it alone. You'll get your share of taxes if my wife let's me buy golf clubs.

God Bless America!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Could Giuliani's run be done? / Ron Paul: Hang it up!

Giuliani: Out of the Race?

We should find out real soon who will win in today's Florida's Presidential Primary.candidates. In recent reports, it has been stated that if Rudy Giuliani loses, he'll likely drop out of the presidential race. At that point, an endorsement is likely to come for one of the remaining candidates. I'm wondering that whoever he does endorse, could it it be the end of that candidates campaign? How much support could Giuliani drum up for another when he barely mustered up enough for himself among moderate Republicans? I don't see him endorsing Ron Paul or Mike Huckabee. I'm thinking that he is more likely to endorse John McCain over Mitt Romney, at that point, give the edge for the nomination to Romney.

As the early poll numbers continue to come in, Many voters feel like I do in that Giuliani is not presidential material (merely 15% support). I guess at this point you have to ask why, considering just a few short months ago he was leading national polls everywhere. I'm thinking that his strategy of pulling out of Iowa, New Hampshire and Michigan hit his campaign real hard. To put it another way, would you want to support someone who never campaigned in your state or thought other states were more important than yours? I wouldn't.

Ron Paul Give it up!

OK, I'll admit it, I'm not a Ron Paul supporter nor am I fond of having to get all of this mail from him and the phone calls. I may be critical here but please, think about how much time and peoples money you are wasting on your campaign? Think about what those supporters could be doing rather than all of the grunt work for you? I take nothing away from them, but you need to make a decision as to whether or not you really think you have a shot at winning the nomination from the other top candidates. I'm not sure what your strategy is, maybe you are aligning yourself up for a potential VP slot or even an "Independent" run at the President. Regardless, you are not garnering the support from a majority of Americans and that is a fact. I hope for your supporters sake, you hang it up.

To all the volunteers helping the campaigns, you are Great Americans and truly patriots in the field of politics. I'm sure all the candidates truly value your contributions. Remember, please help out the local races in your own state as well.

As always...God Bless America!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Will Obama's SC win be enough "HOPE" for the Dem's?

With Sen Barack Obama winning in South Carolina, will it be enough to propel him to the lead of the Democratic Party's nomination for president? The way things are looking, you might think so. I saw a poll the other day that had him down to Sen. Clinton by a few points, but with nearly a 30 point in today's primary, you have to think he gained a lot of momentum. The Dem's probably really like this guy because of his youth, demeanor, speaking ability, but seriously, what the heck has he done? Clinton talked about his "present" votes in the Illinois State Senate, but what does that mean? What did he stand for and how did he vote that will prove he is a LEADER? I'm waiting.........!

Giving a week plus before Super Tuesday, will anyone possibly jump out of the race at this point? I'm thinking that for the Republicans, the next one out will have to be Rudy Giuliani and maybe Ron Paul. Heck, who am I to judge, I thought John Edwards was going to win the Democratic nomination because of a few "unsaid" items. I never said I was a true political scientist, more like a hack. But Giuliani and Paul have real low numbers and a very "secluded" base so I find it hard that they can stay in the race and sustain or even gain any momentum to get them up to the point of McCain, Romney and Huckabee.

Anyway, as the week trudges on and the whips and chains and "dirty laundry" come out from the candidates, we might want to remember that next Sunday is what really matters in American current events...The Super Bowl. And of course, being from Maine and Northern New England, I'm rooting for the PATRIOTS! At least with Bill Belichick, you not going to get mud thrown or racial overtones or anything that resembles what we've seen from Obama and Clinton. You are going to get short and to the point answers and sometimes a smile, well maybe. Thank God football will be back on next Sunday. GO PATS!

Oh yeah, as always with me...GOD BLESS AMERICA!

President Ronald Reagan

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Norridgewock, Maine, United States

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