Thursday, October 30, 2008

On November 4th, remember those that came before!

With only a few days before the General Election, one might ask themselves, "Do I feel comfortable with my choice?" Another might say, "Oh what's the point, That One is going to win." Regardless of what you may be thinking on how the election may turn out, remember one thing, the Founding Fathers made it possible for us to have a voice. Yes, I know that sometimes that voice isn't heard enough or even out of the right side of the mouth, nonetheless, we have that right to be heard to give our choice of how we want to be governed.

Remember my friends, the 1st Amendment is attached to the description of this blog. I put it there for a reason. That reason is for you, me, my neighbors, my liberal in-laws, for my fellow Veterans and for every red blooded American that breathes the fresh air in our country everyday. It is there to remind everyone that we must exercise our right to vote and fight for what we believe in. From the Founding Fathers, to the Patriots in the fields of Lexington and Concord, to our hero's at Normandy and all the hero's in Iraq and Afghanistan, all those brave men and women who have served this nation did so to protect our rights. We owe them our gratitude by exercising our rights. In my eyes elections are not won or lost by mere votes but they are WON by people voting. That sounds strange I know but if no one votes, who actually wins? No one. We as a community or a country as a whole only win when we exercise those rights given to us through our Constitution and protected by the ones who fought for it. By not voting we are losing our right to be heard.

The picture above says it all for me. My daughter and I are standing on North Bridge in Concord Mass on Patriots Day 2008. If anyone who understands the history of the United States knows that this is a pivotal piece of history. The Patriots pushed back the British soldiers on this bridge to make their voices heard and to eventually become a country. Remember that little bridge when you close that curtain on November 4th. Remember the men and women who have sacrificed their lives throughout the years for your voice to be heard. Remember the ones still fighting overseas to erode away Terrorism in this world. Ask yourself, if this election gets in the wrong hands, because you didn't vote, than what next? Will you be satisfied?

God Bless America and all those who fight to protect our rights, especially our right to have a voice.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain tried some jabs...but the rounds are ticking away!

This presidential campaign seems more like a long drawn out battle of heavy weights. Except this time, it is between a seasoned veteran in McCain who is well past his prime fighting shape and a young energetic rookie in Obama. Consider it the sports fan in me that threw that analogy in this election. Regardless, the rounds are ticking away for McCain. He got a few jabs in the last round of debates, but was it really enough to sway the judges towards his corner? I don't think so.

Yes my friends, I'll admit it, McCain is fighting a losing battle at this point in the game. In a recent poll by Zogby, Reuters and CNN, Obama has a 5 point lead. That's pretty large considering we are less than three weeks away. Regardless of what pools say now, it only matters what "THE" poll says at the end of the night of November 4Th. I hope I'm wrong as well as what all the experts think. We cannot live under an Obama administration and absolutely feel safe.

That last sentence there means that if he is elected, the chances of us being attacked again on our own soil would most likely go up. That is my belief anyway. Do I have to back that up? NO I don't, but I will just say that the "change" that Obama is pushing is characterized as what? I'll tell you....Communism. Yeah, I brought it up again. Why you might ask? Because it is important to understand the ties that are associated with Obama and it is important to know what groups support him. Recently as this summer, the United States Communist Party endorsed Obama. Is this the change Obama talks about? Turning the United States of America into the United Communist States of North America? God I hope not. I'm sure I'll irk a few people here with these comments, but, like the 1st Amendment States..."Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech.."

We know about William Ayers and his connections with Obama. Obama's old mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a communist as well. The point is, Obama and his questionable ties are finally getting exposed, but is it too late? We won't know until next month. All I ask is, do a Google search for United States Communist support Obama. You'll see the same articles I do regarding his affiliations. Regardless, I'll write more tomorrow on this issue.

Anyway my friends, may God Bless you and all of our fellow Americans this upcoming election. We're going to need some prayers.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm pumping money into the economy in Norridgewock! God Bless Me!

The headline says it all. I'm pumping money into our economy in Norridgewock. How you may ask? Well, I just got my driveway paved and my wallet is a lot lighter, that's for sure. The paving company was a local company from Norridgewock named Western Maine Paving. All in all, they did a fine job with the leveling and laying out of the pavement. Now we can play some basketball and street hockey in the driveway. More importantly, I can now snow blow my driveway without all the damn rocks landing on our lawn or hitting our vehicles. I do not want to hit my nice big Ford F150 XLT Supercrew, I might cry. Oh yeah, one more thing, I don't have to wack the weeds in the driveway anymore either...yeah!

So the point of the matter is here, we were able to spend some money in a way that will make our lives easier as well as increase the value of our property. Money is the root of all that is good and all that is bad in the country. Look at the financial mess on Wall Street, well last week anyway. Today was nice to see. Regardless, money issues causes people to worry about life or it makes them do things for the better of themselves and if more fortunate, to the better of others. My wife and I give to charity's when we can but we also like to spend money on our daughter or at least provide her with some great opportunities to enjoy and experience different facets of life. We still like our toys. I like my hunting and fishing toys and she likes her cooking stuff and ....well, just spending it I guess.

One thing to remember here is, the market will definitely come around. It always has. I've said it before, when the markets are down such as the DOW and NASDAQ were last week, that means that stocks are on sale. I invest regularly in many of the Blue Chip stocks, mainly because those are the companies that pay the dividends and have the best track record for succeeding. They know what they are doing, well, except maybe AIG and some of those other banking ones. If you have children and are looking at some great college investment plans, buy some shares of Microsoft, Pfizer, Coca Cola, or Proctor & Gamble. Those companies can't really steer you wrong. They all pay a dividend and are all well respected and well run companies.

One last thing, don't wait for the government to bail you out like they did with Wall Street. They save the ones that pay the most...not you. You look out for yourself and do what you think is best with your money and your future. Sometimes you may have to take life in your own hands, like my wife and I have with our investments and our property. We sure have lost some money in the markets lately but we do realize that we will make it up as the markets get better. Life throws us challenges all the time. This current economic challenge that we are experiencing is just one more test of how our country will prosper giving a challenge such as this. I have faith in the American people to do what is right with the economy. I do not have faith in the government to make things right. I lost much of that faith throughout the years but a lot last week when the "buyout" took place. I'm not happy that both presidential candidates wanting to "fix" some companies troubles with our money. Simple the wrong idea. It's wrong to burden us with this debt.

Anyway my friends, those are my thoughts for the night. I do want to thank all those who do read what I write and I encourage you all to read some of my friends blogs listed on the left hand side of the web page.

God Bless America!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Did I go too far with my Communism Comment?

Sometimes we speak with great command, compassion and thoughtfulness. Other times we may say something out of emotion or without regard to a particular persons point of view. And in some instances, we may say something that may be exactly what you hold inside but it just comes out wrong. Such is the case with my recent remarks regarding Barack Obama and Communism.

When I publish my thoughts on my blog, you may wonder if I normally care who reads it? NO. I also usually will post any comment by readers on my blog unless it is completely ignorant and has terrible language or calls for the head of some political leader. I don't really remember how many "F@^ Bush", or "Bush lied and should die" comments I have had to delete in the past 12 months. Too many to be exact. There comes a time though when I do receive a comment or an email that just puts me back for a moment makes me think, "Was I over the top there? Did I go too far or did I let emotions get in my way?" I say this because I recently got an email from a dear friend of mine whom I've known for over 24 years and share a strong commitment to pushing great music to the masses. He and I have never, at least to my knowledge, talked politics nor have I ever known him to lean one way or the other. Some people you just have too much respect for to discuss such topics. Heck, I wasn't even aware that he would be interested in reading my politically oriented blog, let alone have an opinion on my political rants. But this one hit home.

Mind you, my friend was leaning toward McCain until he picked Palin to be his running mate. I can't fault him for that as I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Hence, my reasoning for stating the 1st Amendment of our American Constitution in the description of my blog. Here were his comments on my last post. I will not mention him by name because that is not fair to him, however, I do greatly respect him and have for a very long time.

I'm disappointed to see you SUGGEST that "Communism is just around the
corner with Obama." The dirty politics, from both sides, is exhausting. This type of propaganda appeals to the ill-informed and ignorant, and belittles American politics. It's also very disappointing to see from a (person) that I have such respect for.

Now, that may not sound like much of a comment to anyone around the world who reads this, but, coming from a person I greatly admire, it bothers me. It bothers me that someone I respect as a dear friend may consider my beliefs of Obama as dirty and disrespectful. I do wonder though, if maybe I have taken my political opinions too far. Regardless, when is enough considered enough regarding your beliefs on another politicians policies or viewpoints on governing? Who knows for sure. I will say that I will not risk a longtime friendship or another's respect of me to rant my political viewpoints without reasoning.

Many who know me realize how much I love this country and the historical aspect of our political process, the very process that transcends our borders. You may ask "What? Transcends our borders?" Yes, our political process does very much transcend our borders. Look at hatred in the World when Bush's name is brought up by Chavez. Look at the people flocking to see Obama in speeches giving in Europe, especially Germany. Regardless of who runs for president of our country, some countries seem to have their opinion on our process and the media does very much like to show it. They think it is fitting to show what other "World leaders" think of our current administration and their viewpoints of our country. But ask yourself, does it really matter what Germany or Iran or anyone else thinks for that matter of the United States? Frankly...NO. This is why it matters to me what my friends and ones I admire think of my beliefs. First, we are all in this country together paying our taxes to run our government, although not efficiently (but that is for another post) . Second, we all have families that are affected greatly by the choices of leaders we pick to represent us. Lastly, we all must look out for one another and at the same time have the responsibility to ourselves to do what is best for us. Meaning, I'm not going to give a damn about what some third world country thinks of my beloved United States of America. The very country I put on the United States Navy uniform on to defend and protect.

There I back to my Communism comment. Let's look back at what Communism means.

Com"mu*nism\, n. [F. communisme, fr. commun common.] A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.
Note: At different times, and in different countries, various schemes pertaining to socialism in government and the conditions of domestic life, as well as in the distribution of wealth, have been called communism.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

So, going back to what Obama wants to do is have people making $250K or more a year pay more in taxes. To me, that means distribution of Socialism and Communism. Modern day Robin Hood, taking from the rich to give to the poor. Classless society in that everyone is equal, paying their "fair share". The point is, it's penalizing the ones who succeed or work hard for their money. I'm not talking about the CEO's and financial officers at huge organizations but the Mom and Pop shops and people who own small businesses. We NEED people to "want" to succeed, not worry if they reach over $250K for fear that they will be taxed more percentage wise than if they make $200K. My wife and I work hard for our money as do many of our friends. But in Obama's terms, $250K a year is "rich" and should pay more in taxes. Another thing, I DO NOT agree with the recent government buyout of failing companies. That is government interference in our economic conditions. Obama also wants government run health care, which in other words is...Yes, Socialized medicine. The point is here, with his plans of government backing bailouts, redistribution of wealth and government run health care, it looks more and more like Communism to me. It's not hatred, nor is it vitriol, but a difference of how I want to be governed. That is all politics is...the differences of how we all want to be governed and where we want our money to go. I mean no disrespect whatsoever regarding Sen. Barack Obama. I just feel with his policies, we are heading in the wrong direction.

I want to truly thank my friend though, for opening my eyes and realizing that there are people in this world that do mean a great deal to friends and family. I respect that individual a great deal and hope that he does not take my beliefs to hard to have hatred for or loss of respect of me. Keep Rockin' my friend.

As always with me, God Bless America and all who love their Freedom to chose who they want to govern them.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I wanted more hits from McCain!

OK, I'll say it, as much as it pains me: McCain blew it last night. Yep, I'm admitting defeat from our candidate in the National debate. McCain needed to hit Obama in the gut last night. The gut being ALL his ties to suspect crooks. I'm talking about Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Louis Farrakhan, and the other financial cronies. McCain lost his shot at pointing out the differences of association.

Anyway, I'm hoping many of you can see the difference that Obama presents of himself as to what type of person he is. Do you think he associates well with the middle class? Do you think he is just "one of the guys" and down to earth? This is the same guy throws expensive fundraisers, flies on big jets across the country (while touting energy savings) and saying our way to cure the energy crisis is to "deal with it". My oh my...what a waste of air he is breathing out to us common folk. I think he produces more helium out of his lungs is in any blimp across the country.

Anyway my fellow Americans, we don't have very long to get the message out that Communism is just around the corner with Obama. Government run health care, education and banking. YEAH! Just what we need, government interference with our money. Bottom line is...When he wins come November, we all lose. PERIOD!

God Bless America and all who pull that curtain shut on November 4th.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate Tonight...GIVE IT TO HIM MCCAIN!

I'm am really looking forward to the debate tonight. Hopefully the TownHall style will show some strengths that McCain has. Additionally, I hope McCain brings up all the "bad ties" to people that Obama has such as to the terrorists, corrupt bankers, racists reverands and so on.

Sorry for the delay in writings and such my friends. Life's battles sometimes throws wrenches into everyday lives. Such is the case with me. Busy with work, politics of the local and state front as well as with my favorite time of year:...hunting season.

Be safe and God Bless America!

President Ronald Reagan

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Norridgewock, Maine, United States