Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I want Romney!

I'll say it now...I want Gov. Mitt Romney to be Sen John McCain's running for this election. I believe if he actually chooses an Independent as in Lieberman, than we will take two giant steps back with this party. He needs to look at the conservative wing of this party and more importantly, the Pro-Life crowd. I am a strong Pro-life advocate and believe that any other choice than a Pro-life running mate is calling for disaster.

This is a short note only to give my support for Gov. Mitt Romney for VP. He is a very articulate man and understand the bells and whistles of governing. If McCain does not chose Romney, my two other choices are Sec. of State Condi Rice and LA. Gov. , Bobby Jindal. Conservative, experience and able to get the crowds going is key here. We must stop the Obamamania from taking over the middle votes. We must remain America the Beautiful and Home of the Brave. We will move away from our freedom if Obama is elected by securing more debt to pay for useless programs. Not too mention, he is not a military person, thus putting our national security at risk. Remember the downsizing that Clinton did in the 1990's? It will be far worse if Obama is elected.

God Bless America! God Bless our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marine who fight for our freedom everyday in honor of our great country.

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Norridgewock, Maine, United States