“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.“ 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution
Friday, August 24, 2007
TABOR 2 is out, Where do you stand?
Here is another link to an article about it as well: http://waldo.villagesoup.com/Government/story.cfm?storyID=98576
All I ask is to give this a chance and talk with the major players that will be endorsing this proposal, as I will be one. The Maine Heritage Policy Center, which drafted this version of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2, is a good organization with loads of economically and fiscal experience in dealing with the numbers on all levels of state government. Bill Becker, the President and Chief Executive Officer of MHPC is a person whom I've had the pleasure and opportunity to deal with on a few occasions regarding fiscally conservative ideas at the county level as well as the first Taxpayer Bill of Rights. For more information on the Maine Heritage Policy Center, who drafted the lasted version of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, go to www.mainepolicy.org
When I think of the line "Taxpayer Bill of Rights", the first words that come to my head are: "We The People....". Remember, this proposal is about us, the Maine Taxpayer. It gives us a voice in our government for the sole purpose of keeping the elected officials in check. Every two years we are asked to give individuals a chance to make a difference in Augusta and every two years we get disappointed. This time we are asking you to be a part of a team that will give your voice a chance at all levels of government. Remember how many times you have gone to the voting booth and read a question something like: "Do you favor a bond package worth...." You do have the right to say NO to them. It's true, that will not increase your debt if you say NO to a bond package. Why do you ask? The state pays back the bonds and who is the STATE? We are. Having said that, use your voice to be heard at all levels of government. If you follow the opposition of this proposal, you will soon discover the reason they are against it, they are funded by taxpayer money. They do not want their funding determined by the average voter. Groups like the MMA, MEA and Maine State Chambers of Commerce all get their funding from the taxpayer. And, they will vote against you so they can secure their funding. They do not want you to have a voice in budget spending. Now you have the nuts and bolts of what is at stake here. Do you want a say where your money goes or do you want the same high taxes we have experienced for the last 30 plus years? You decide. I know what I'm going to do.
Monday, August 13, 2007
What can we learn from a State Fair in Maine?
As I stated earlier, the building we are located in is called Constitution Hall. How fitting isn't it?When I think of the Constitution, I think of our Founding Fathers, who, through hot summer days and countless heated debates in 1787, drafted (along with plenty of other "drafts" at local taverns at nights) the most important piece of literature in our American History next to the Declaration of Independence. Shortly after the final draft was completed, three very knowledgeable and influential statesman, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay started their own editorials named The Federalist Papers under the pseudonym "Publius", all to gain support from the people for this great piece of craftsmanship known as the Constitution. Before I go any further, I will mention or quote from The Federalist quite frequently due to the notion that it will bring us back to our roots of our country. If we can look at what our Founding Fathers went through, maybe we can see the light in order to get through our rough times we are having in our own State of Maine. They had very little history to go off from but countered that with a great deal of wisdom, intellect and freewill. In our situation, we have probably too much history with regards to the amount of statues we have in Maine that have put limitations on our business owners, citizens and workers. Additionally, history has provided us some negatives as well such as all the political action groups lobbying on behalf of "this" organization or "that" group of individuals as well as all the "rights" that have been infringed upon that caused a substantial payouts of "damages".
Digressing back to the fair for a moment, I observed another item while walking around the various stands and exhibits with my daughter one evening (while enjoying a doughboy of course). That observation was the simplicity that exists amongst children and young animals. What I'm referring to is when the young's parental figure or figures are around, such as with my daughter or with a young duckling, they are at ease and have no worries in the world. Children usually have no fear around their parents while walking around big crowds as well as animals feeling safe when hundreds of spectators are constantly touching them and taking pictures. They feel safe knowing that their parent will provide them the necessities that are needed in case it gets out of hand. Now, that brings me to the relationship between the Maine Taxpayer and the State Legislature. Obviously that simplicity is lost. Who is the parental figure in this case? Is it the Maine Legislature? I mean, they are the governing body right? Unfortunately, I don't know about you but I get "frightened" when they come around (or go in Session). I have two questions that I feel need to be asked about the Legislature. 1). Do they provide the essential necessities that encourage healthy growth and expansion amongst the "young" (Taxpayers, municipalities, and businesses) here in Maine? 2). Do the term limits created by the Legislature provide for a "healthy' turnover of personnel that aides in giving a fresh start to the Maine Taxpayer? I suppose you look no further than the figure next to your "State tax withheld" portion of your paycheck for that answer as well as your W-2's. Let's hope that the next version of the Legislature that gets voted in 2008 provides for those two items I addressed.
Lastly, stop by your local agricultural fair such as in my neck of the woods of Skowhegan, or Windsor, Fryberg or wherever there are hardworking farmers, sole proprietors and other fair related business owners. Agricultural fairs are a great family event and are some of the longest running events (I believe Skowhegan's is the longest running fair in the country at 188 years) in the country that provide for a real backbone of what our country started out on: hard work, determination and a love for this great country.
As always, God Bless America.
Matt Schaeffer
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Will there be another People's Initiative for a Taxpayer Bill of Rights?
Let's put this in perspective here for a moment. The MMA, aka Maine Municipal Association, MEA aka Maine Educational Association, and the Maine State Chambers of Commerce all get their funds from.....the TAXPAYER. Yes, I said the TAXPAYER. To be more specific, the MAINE TAXPAYER. That is right, money that you pay in property taxes and income taxes gets sent to those organizations, in which was used to lobby against you, the taxpayer. So does that tell you who was against the taxpayer having a voice in where the tax money should go? So the next time you are at the polls and ready to vote to approve a budget or educational item, remember, it was those organizations that help derail your voice. It was those organizations that helped defeat all the hard work, time, and effort you spent in trying to have your voice be heard.
Now to the question of the day. Will there be another People Initiative for a Taxpayer Bill of Rights? For me personally, I hope so. I in fact helped Mary Adams and spoke for her as a municipally elected official that was in favor of limiting government spending. I'm sure I will still fight for that cause and speak on behalf of others such as Mary Adams. With the high tax burden that Maine has, one way to ensure our taxes do not get out of control is for us as citizens to have a voice. One of the best instruments in giving us a voice was the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. Yes it is true, maybe the last version had a few flaws but when you consider the flaws that the Maine State Legislature has had over the past 30 plus years, it is no wonder our tax burden is so high.
I will close with the following opening line from Federalist papers No. 1 by Alexander Hamilton, aka Publius:
"After Full Experience of the insufficiency of the existing federal government, you are invited to deliberate upon a New Constitution for the United States of America" (Publius, No#1, 1787)
It is true that this passage states the federal government, however, as the first line insinuates, "insufficiency of the "existing...government". To me, that is key to our situation of today. Maine's government has been insufficient with regards at looking at the taxpayer as an equal member of what I call the "Holy Tax-Trinity". This consists of Legislature, county/local municipal government and the Taxpayer. I believe it is time for us to call upon our governmental leaders in the Maine Legislature to ensure our freedoms are not burdened by their opportunity to tax. Together we can ensure that governmental spending is curbed to only necessities that Mainers require.
Matt Schaeffer, 2007
What limits should there be regarding sex offenders?
I for one have pushed for an ordnance in the Town of Norridgewock that does indeed limit how close these offenders may reside from our schools. For one, in a year or so, our town is welcoming children from the towns of Mercer and Smithfield in a school consolidation effort. It is my belief that we owe it to our neighbors in a great deal of gratitude that we protect ALL school children here in town from any unforeseen situation that puts a child in danger. I would like to see a 2500 ft or 1/2 mile radius limit on these registered sex offenders. I know for a fact that we have a registered sex offender living with in a few hundred yards of a school bus stop. To me that is unacceptable as a community.
Additionally, I want to see and have encouraged the Recreation Department to perform criminal background checks on ALL volunteer coaches for baseball, softball, basketball and soccer. To me, this makes sense. Some on the Rec Board feel that it may cost a few dollar$, to which I replied "I would rather pay some money to be sure than to find out the hard way and have that on our conscience."
As I close here, I want to remind everyone that I am all for justice and doing your debt to society if the situation occurs in which a person broke the law. The issue comes when we as a society decides not to or does not have the resources to monitor the offender. As much as I hate government interference, maybe it is time for the Legislature to enact a bill that does indeed protect the youth and children from any situation that could cause harm regarding a sex offender. I believe every town should have some local ordnance regarding these types of issues. I will close by stating that it is us that must protect our children and us that must keep people in check. We must ensure our the protection of our children by looking at the trends that have taken place and one of those trends is where those offenders live. Keep fighting for what is RIGHT with America. God Bless this great land.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Welcome to Matt's Blog
God Bless America
Matt Schaeffer