Saturday, February 16, 2008

Time for Real Change in Maine!

As much as I hate to say it, Barack Obama is right about one thing, "It's time for real change". At least here in Maine that change has been needed for a long time. It's been well over 30 years here in Maine since Republicans have controlled both houses in Augusta or at least had a legitimate say in what policies come forth. Over the years since, we have continuously seen legislation that has hurt the Maine taxpayer (I.e increases in hunting, fishing, boating, and recreational registration licenses) , small businesses (workers compenstion laws, healthcare costs and business equipment tax) and the overall economy. We have seen the most stringent environmental and workers compensation laws that have literally bankrupted companies or forced them to move out of state (Solon Manufacturing and Dexter Shoe to name a few). We have seen healthcare companies dwindle down in size and force an suspective monopoly upon the wokers in Maine with Dirigo. We must issue a change in Maine that will help sustain the future and not inhibit growth of our state. That change must start in Augusta this year by electing strong fiscally conservative candidates to the Legislature.

Since he has taken office, Governor Baldacci and his administration have not held their bargin of lowering the tax burden on the local economies. For instance, the school consolodation bill does the reverse to those municipalities that can not comply with the current legislation that was passed last year. What should have occurred was instead of penalizing those communities for not adhering to the Governors proposal of consolodation, there should have been funding incentives for those districts that did show a fiscal savings with consolidation. This administration took the bad cop approach and forced districts to comply or their funding would decrease, thus putting more of a tax burden on those communities.

That is just one area where Governor Baldacci and his administration has failed the citizens of Maine. The list goes on and on with jail consolidation, increased fees in outdoor licenses, not suspending the gas tax for a period of time as to provide relief to citizens and so on. The point of the matter is that as long as this administration keeps looking at ways to build tax revenue from its taxpayers, the more it hurts the citizens and the overall well being of the state.

At this point I am asking all citizens in the State of Maine to look past the national elections, the Presidential "Hoopla", the War on Terror, and all the other activities outside of the area to focus on what is going on right here at home. We must remember that what happens in Augusta with our local law makers impacts us more directly and more quickly that what happens in Washington D.C. The only way for Maine to get back on track now is to take control of government and not let it take control of us, like it has done for so many years. We must hold the playmakers in Augusta accountable and tell them that we have had enough of the spending and penalizing of the working families of Maine. We must elect fiscally conservative and responsible people to Augusta. This is the only way that the Maine citizens best interests will be looked after. Please support your local candidates that support you. The time is now.

God Bless America and Maine!

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President Ronald Reagan

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Norridgewock, Maine, United States