Saturday, February 2, 2008

Romney wins in my home state of Maine!

Well, my vote counted today in the Maine Caucus and Presidential Preference as Gov. Mitt Romney won the state by very convincing numbers. In my county of Somerset, Romney garnered about 51% to McCains nearly 26% and surprising Ron Paul got about 13% to Mike Huckabee's 9% where additionally 1% of voters were undecided. It was a great day for Maine Republicans that participated in the process.

As the poll numbers come in from around the state, Romney's lead is staying consistant with my county. My major concern of the week leading up to this was of all the support that Ron Paul was gaining. I'm not saying I am bothered by his stances and such, just that I believe him to be a low level tier candidate that cannot gain the same amount of support in other parts of the country. I did not want to see a Paul victory in Maine for the very reason of not supporting a major candidate. Now if Paul had won a primary by now I may be OK with it. However, even with Huckabee only winning a few states, he is still in my eyes a lower tier candidate.

I honestly thought that McCain would give more of a fight to Romney in Maine. McCain had the support of our ranking members of the party with Sen. Susan Collins and Sen. Olympia Snowe as well as Maine House Minority Leader Josh Tardy. I really looked at it like with that much fire power, how could he not win in a moderate state? Well, that is why I do not get paid to make predictions about politics.

I did get up and say a few words on behalf of Sen. Collins and try to gain some support for her. I was asked if i would do that by her office and I accepted because I think she has a done a wonderful job representing Maine while she has been in Washington. Additionally, I also spoke of my upcoming election as a Town Selectman that is in March. I encouraged all the voters that to take part in that process of a Town Meeting. I like seeing people be involved, even if I do always agree with their view. This allows for more opinions and viewpoints to be heard as well as ideas being floated around during trying times. That is what our country was built of from ...ideas!

I will close with saying that it was very nice seeing all the people come out to my local caucus and the ones located across my county to participate in the very unique voting process. I hope those individuals continue to support the Somerset County Republican Committee and the Maine Republican Party as well as all our local candidates as they are the reason I do all the volunteer work that I do. I love politics and I truly love my State of Maine and the passion in wanting it to prosper for the future generations of Mainers.

God Bless America!


soulmantim said...

Romney just suspended his campaign.
So much for Mainers voting for who has the best chance of winning.

It's time for Maine to vote with their heart.

McCain must not win. He will bring amnesty, high fiscal spending, and 'reaches' across the aisle a little too much.

All that's left is Huck and Paul.
Paul is the fiscal conservative, Huck is the social conservative.

If we go to convention, I see an alliance between Paul and Huck. We may still see a Paul/Huck or Huck/Paul ticket.

That being said, don't count Paul out. In many states where Romney won, Paul came in second or a close third.

Vote for Paul, in your heart, you know he's right!

Matthew Schaeffer said...

I know what you mean about Huckabee and Paul, however, at this point, Paul has not won a state nor has he garnered a lot of support. I'm not arguing that he is not the most conservative, I'm arguing that he is an outliar amongst the standard deviations. Paul came in second once and maybe 2 third places but mostly 4th or even 5th at times. Anyway, it should be exciting.

Thanks for teh comment and reading my blog Tim. Tell your friends about it.

President Ronald Reagan

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Norridgewock, Maine, United States