When I publish my thoughts on my blog, you may wonder if I normally care who reads it? NO. I also usually will post any comment by readers on my blog unless it is completely ignorant and has terrible language or calls for the head of some political leader. I don't really remember how many "F@^ Bush", or "Bush lied and should die" comments I have had to delete in the past 12 months. Too many to be exact. There comes a time though when I do receive a comment or an email that just puts me back for a moment makes me think, "Was I over the top there? Did I go too far or did I let emotions get in my way?" I say this because I recently got an email from a dear friend of mine whom I've known for over 24 years and share a strong commitment to pushing great music to the masses. He and I have never, at least to my knowledge, talked politics nor have I ever known him to lean one way or the other. Some people you just have too much respect for to discuss such topics. Heck, I wasn't even aware that he would be interested in reading my politically oriented blog, let alone have an opinion on my political rants. But this one hit home.
Mind you, my friend was leaning toward McCain until he picked Palin to be his running mate. I can't fault him for that as I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Hence, my reasoning for stating the 1st Amendment of our American Constitution in the description of my blog. Here were his comments on my last post. I will not mention him by name because that is not fair to him, however, I do greatly respect him and have for a very long time.
I'm disappointed to see you SUGGEST that "Communism is just around the
corner with Obama." The dirty politics, from both sides, is exhausting. This type of propaganda appeals to the ill-informed and ignorant, and belittles American politics. It's also very disappointing to see from a (person) that I have such respect for.
Now, that may not sound like much of a comment to anyone around the world who reads this, but, coming from a person I greatly admire, it bothers me. It bothers me that someone I respect as a dear friend may consider my beliefs of Obama as dirty and disrespectful. I do wonder though, if maybe I have taken my political opinions too far. Regardless, when is enough considered enough regarding your beliefs on another politicians policies or viewpoints on governing? Who knows for sure. I will say that I will not risk a longtime friendship or another's respect of me to rant my political viewpoints without reasoning.
Many who know me realize how much I love this country and the historical aspect of our political process, the very process that transcends our borders. You may ask "What? Transcends our borders?" Yes, our political process does very much transcend our borders. Look at hatred in the World when Bush's name is brought up by Chavez. Look at the people flocking to see Obama in speeches giving in Europe, especially Germany. Regardless of who runs for president of our country, some countries seem to have their opinion on our process and the media does very much like to show it. They think it is fitting to show what other "World leaders" think of our current administration and their viewpoints of our country. But ask yourself, does it really matter what Germany or Iran or anyone else thinks for that matter of the United States? Frankly...NO. This is why it matters to me what my friends and ones I admire think of my beliefs. First, we are all in this country together paying our taxes to run our government, although not efficiently (but that is for another post) . Second, we all have families that are affected greatly by the choices of leaders we pick to represent us. Lastly, we all must look out for one another and at the same time have the responsibility to ourselves to do what is best for us. Meaning, I'm not going to give a damn about what some third world country thinks of my beloved United States of America. The very country I put on the United States Navy uniform on to defend and protect.
There I vented...so back to my Communism comment. Let's look back at what Communism means.
Com"mu*nism\, n. [F. communisme, fr. commun common.] A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.
Note: At different times, and in different countries, various schemes pertaining to socialism in government and the conditions of domestic life, as well as in the distribution of wealth, have been called communism.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
So, going back to what Obama wants to do is have people making $250K or more a year pay more in taxes. To me, that means distribution of wealth...like Socialism and Communism. Modern day Robin Hood, taking from the rich to give to the poor. Classless society in that everyone is equal, paying their "fair share". The point is, it's penalizing the ones who succeed or work hard for their money. I'm not talking about the CEO's and financial officers at huge organizations but the Mom and Pop shops and people who own small businesses. We NEED people to "want" to succeed, not worry if they reach over $250K for fear that they will be taxed more percentage wise than if they make $200K. My wife and I work hard for our money as do many of our friends. But in Obama's terms, $250K a year is "rich" and should pay more in taxes. Another thing, I DO NOT agree with the recent government buyout of failing companies. That is government interference in our economic conditions. Obama also wants government run health care, which in other words is...Yes, Socialized medicine. The point is here, with his plans of government backing bailouts, redistribution of wealth and government run health care, it looks more and more like Communism to me. It's not hatred, nor is it vitriol, but a difference of how I want to be governed. That is all politics is...the differences of how we all want to be governed and where we want our money to go. I mean no disrespect whatsoever regarding Sen. Barack Obama. I just feel with his policies, we are heading in the wrong direction.
I want to truly thank my friend though, for opening my eyes and realizing that there are people in this world that do mean a great deal to me...my friends and family. I respect that individual a great deal and hope that he does not take my beliefs to hard to have hatred for or loss of respect of me. Keep Rockin' my friend.
As always with me, God Bless America and all who love their Freedom to chose who they want to govern them.
Well Matt this is the definition that I've found:
communism Definition
com·mu·nism (käm′yo̵̅o̅ niz′əm, -yə-)
any economic theory or system based on the ownership of all property by the community as a whole
a hypothetical stage of socialism, as formulated by Marx, Engels, Lenin, and others, to be characterized by a classless and stateless society and the equal distribution of economic goods, and to be achieved by revolutionary and dictatorial, rather than gradualistic, means
the form of government of various, esp. former, socialist states which profess to be working toward this stage by means of state planning and control of the economy, a one-party political structure, and an emphasis on the requirements of the state rather than on individual liberties.
The first part "property owned by the community" lets be clear,is the government.In the past 3 decades or so the government has owned millions of our houses via Fanny Mae,Freddy Mac.In the last couple months the government has purchased/bailed out Banks,insurance companys,investment firms and now considering auto companys and god knows what else.
In our own state of Maine the goverment owns a health insurance scheme,has owned a liquor business.
Obama and the liberals have been pushing for government run health care for years.
The question of the government owning things is answered.
Now for the redistibution of wealth part of the definition I've seen first hand as a small business owner.A few years back my wife and I both working full time which was 60hours + a week for me,we made about 50k a year.At the time I hired a few contactors that made about 28k a year.Throughout the year and at tax time they paid in zero tax but received checks for over $4,000 from the IRS.Of course after paying our taxes quarterly and then a bit more at tax time we paid in over $9,000.This type of redistribution happens by the millions year after year.Obamas proposed tax cut will mostly increase the yearly welfare check for the people that don't pay taxes now.So ther is another example.
Its too bad that in this day of political correctness that when talking about the truth, sheds a negative light,it is now considered racist or dirty politics.I'm sorry but the truth is the truth and when someone else doesn't check the facts that now makes me a racist just doesn't seem quite right.
We want to keep our minds open to other people·s ideas, to be fair or at least civil. But this is unrealistic.
Mentioning Daniel Pipes and Frontpage-magazine on wikipedia, I was delighted with the reply that FP was always unreliable.
A bit too confident, but open-mindedness compared to the rhetoric from your typical leftist.
Many posts from the left are also so full of hate it is unpleasant.
Sweeping generalization on Marxism: Extreme radicalism is inhumanity pure, greed and hate dressed up.
Communism and naziism were/are nothing more than the ideology of legalized theft.
But so is financial capitalism, it seems.
Unbiased, R.D.H.
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